
Ingvild Roald ingvild.roald at STATPED.NO
Sat Jul 20 11:02:19 UTC 2002

Great idea to have a "Writing of Signed Langues"- convention. From
Scandinavia we could also invite Brita Bergman, whose system is used by
researchers here, and the KC ((Deaf) Communications Center) in Copenhagen,
who are using their own version of SignWriting, and other people around -
I know of a couple more who are using or iventing their own systems. The
Stokoe notation should also be present. This way we could discuss the pros
and contras for the different systems, and as none are absolutely firm
yet, we might get ideas from each other. I gues that the Sutton SW would
be in absolute majority, and also that it would be able to show that it is
better for the over all purpose of writing any signed language on an
everyday basis (for letter, notes, shopping lists, poetry, religious
books, etc. etc. ) than any of the others. But the invitation should be
open, and include Sign Language linguists, researchers who use written
signs for other purposes than linguistics, teachers of deaf people, and
users of any system.

We would have to look for funding and for ways to advertise, as well as
where the convention should be held. This year is the 'Languege year' of
Europe, and of course it cannot be done this year. But I know the the EU
already has given money for research using SW, so if that is where the
money can come come from, it ought to be in Europe. If the money can come
from the US, then we should be near San Diego, so Valrie can attend as
much as she is capable of (don't think of overdoing this, Val).

In short: I do support the idea,


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