Please review this sign spelling

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Tue Apr 15 15:22:13 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
April 15, 2003

On Friday, April 11, 2003, at 10:24  AM, Stuart Thiessen wrote:
> If it goes back to the original start position for the wrist rotation,
> is it necessary to show the back movement or assume that is understood
> since you really couldn't rotate the wrist much more?  For the faster
> version, do you think I should use the shaking symbol rather than the
> wrist rotation symbol? Thanks, Stuart

Hello Stuart -
Try writing it with the shaking movement and attach it to the List...

But for now, regarding the sign you wrote (see attached GIF), it does
not show any back movement...of course it is assummed a tiny back
movement is necessary to accomplish the two forward rotations, but
because the back movement is not written, it is assumed that the
emphasis is unevenly on the forward says to me:
Forward-Forward...and the back movement is "not important".

To make back and forward rotations "equal in importance" then both need
to be written in an equal way...So one of the arrows in the diagram you
attached would be going back...

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