
Sun Aug 3 00:19:17 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
August 2, 2003

To our Brazilian List Members...
Tini Pel has written this message to a Brazilian Deaf student, Nicole. 
As you can see, Tini would like to give this message to Nicole...Does 
anyone know how to reach her? I believe Nicole was a student of 
Marianne Stumpf's? I believe Marianne is in England right now?...Maybe 
Jerry can post it on the web until someone shows it to Nicole?... Val 

From: "Tini Pel" <tinipel at>
Date: Sat Aug 2, 2003  4:04:56 PM US/Pacific
To: "Valerie Sutton" <DAC at>
Subject: Nicole
Attachments: There are 2 attachments

Hello Valerie, following is a letter to Nicole in Brazil in Sign 
writing. Since Nicole is not on the list, will you be able to find the 
time to forward it to her. I read her letter on the list so I do not 
know her e-mail address. You mentioned that it came from a group of 
photos from Antonio Carlos' web site. I think it is nice if she receive 
some reply from some one in Canada, or anywhere else for that matter, 
don't you think.? I hope it works.
Oi Nicole. Em escritores de Sinal aliste, seu quadro que eu vi I. O 
Valerie, ela emviaram quadro, ela. Lindo. Obrigado. Canadá de Tini.

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