Multiple mouth movements...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Dec 6 00:01:10 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
December 5, 2003

Writing Multiple Mouth Movements continued...

See the attached diagram. This shows one sign, that "exhales" four
times. One exhale for every movement down, four times. Notice the tiny
little Exhale Symbols, that are placed near each movement symbol...This
is exhale-exhale-exhale-exhale...And then, because the outgoing air is
surrounding the lips, and the lips are written with a Tense Mouth
Symbol, (Stefan used the Tense Symbol for B and P on the lips), this
example is one way to write the Buh mouth movements four times in one
sign...The opening of the mouth is not written, but maybe for Everyday
Use, this information is enough?:

-------------- next part --------------
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