corr. 1

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Feb 22 01:48:51 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
February 21, 2003

Dear Stefan, Tini and everyone -


On Friday, February 21, 2003, at 04:03 PM, Tini Pel wrote:
> Thank you Stefan.
> Yes I agree with you about   C.   Much simpler.


Yes, I agree with you too, Stefan! C and D are both fine, depending on 
whether you rub or brush. But one contact symbol is enough for proper 
reading. Actually I am glad to hear the two of you say this because we 
do need to make a decision. Why? Because signs that are written with 
two contact symbols have a different SignSpelling than signs that have 
one contact symbol, and it changes how the signs are sorted in 
dictionaries. That is why I love SignBank, because it will force us to 
look at standardizations for spelling...

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