All ISL Hand groups posted now...

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Nov 13 23:35:38 UTC 2003

SignWriting List
November 13, 2003

Dear SW List members:
All ten groups of Irish Sign Language handshapes are now posted on the
web. Take a look:

SignWriting in Ireland

These examples will be an addendum to the back of the new Irish Sign
Language books. The books have full sentences in SignWriting in ISL on
every page, combined with life-like illustrations. The books are
designed for hearing students of ISL at Trinity College in Dublin. The
students will not be studying SignWriting. They instead will be
learning ISL, and the SignWriting will be a part of the course without
any special training in it...the diagrams in the book will be there for
any student who finds it useful, without making a separate course for
SignWriting...that is good because foreign languages should be taught
with their accompanying written form...all together, rather than

I hope that other countries will start teaching their Sign Languages
this way is not done in the US that way yet...most ASL
teachers have never heard of SignWriting, so recently I shared SignBank
with a group of ASL teachers on the TeachASL list and some of them are
starting to use it...;-)

Val ;-)

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