virtual pc

Jerry Spillman jzs at XMISSION.COM
Tue Sep 9 01:07:05 UTC 2003

Dear Valerie and List,

My apologies if I sound argumentative, but I am frustrated and heartsick
concerning Virtual PC.  I am not running an old or out-dated, or
under-built machine.  Here are the facts:

1.  My computer is based on an AMD Athlon XP2100+ processor.
2.  I get automatic updates to my XPHOME whenever Microsoft puts them
out and implement them.
3.  My computer has 512 MEGABYTES of RAM.
4.  My computer has 86 GIGABYTES of storage space.
5.  I downloaded the program once again (third time), and installed it
and the goodies for making the drives work with it.
6.  I installed a clean MSDOS 6.22 on the virtual drive (even named the
expanding drive image Valerie.vhd for good luck, and gave it 132MB of
RAM to use.).
7.  I copied 400 plus dos files, bmps, SignWriter DOS, etc.  into the SW
8.  I edited the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files according to the
instructions and help files.
9.  Virtual PC will not give me VGA or EGA.  It sets up as CGA. MSDOS
6.22 runs just fine, as it would on a real DOS computer, and looks fine
and normal on the screen (17 inch SuperVGA).  In the Virtual PC
properties screen, it says that this is one of the parameters that
cannot be user adjusted. Please see the attached screen shot, if it came
through.   I can't work with this, and don't know how to fix the
problem.  Has anyone on the LIST successfully run SW DOS on an XP PC?

So far, I have spent 23 hours on this version.  I have about 40 hours
history trying to make the older versions work.  I have not yet been
able to contact Microsoft support, but any positive input will be
accepted from any of you having experience making this run properly, and
very much appreciated.  ANGUS?  STEFAN?
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