[sw-l] Downloading the IMWA and SSS-1999

Trevor Jenkins trevor.jenkins at SUNEIDESIS.COM
Sat Dec 11 14:08:47 UTC 2004

On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, Sandy Fleming <sandy at FLEIMIN.DEMON.CO.UK> commented
upon my potential use of IMWA:

> > As an ex-programmer looking to use IWMA for his signing I personally would
> > still need to have more than one subset. Stuff I've done recently involves
> > lexical borrowings (typically from ASL but I've just had to think about
> > NZSL and AUSLAN to name but two) into BSL.
> This isn't too hard - we have, say, one subset for each sign language and
> you just make sure each subset you need is installed. You might have on your
> disk, say, one folder per subset (many of the symbols would exist in more
> than one folder) and then when the software needs to display a give symbol
> it looks through all the folders till it finds one that has the symbol it
> needs.

After working 30 years in what everyone now thinks of as "search engines",
yes they did exist before Google made them popular, I'd store the IMWA
differently from the implied directory/sub-directory Sandy suggests.
Would propose a single "data file" with internal links between subsets and
following his other suggestion of storing "components" links between those
too. To ease initial download problem maybe I'd split the subsets into
separate files but that then reduces the possible re-use of components.
Could be a requirement that split subsets are stored in the same
sub-directory. Maybe with a master component data file that all the
subsets link to.

> (Apologies to Stefan, who would naturally prefer the SW-DOS keyboard no
> matter what. Perhaps it could be supplied as an option!)

I'd love to have SW-Palm so keyboards are not normally an option but it
has to use the same file formats (IMWA, document, etc) so these can be
exchanged with any SW-Linux, which I also want. Anyone made more progress
on either a Palm or Linux SignWriter than the couple of pages of user
requirements I have?

Regards, Trevor

<>< Re: deemed!

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