[sw-l] SignText Beta: download and dictionary import

Sandy Fleming sandy at FLEIMIN.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Dec 14 09:40:01 UTC 2004

Hi Stephen!

I haven't rellay used SignText yet, but being able to store and upload the
SWML is _just_ what I wanted - thanks!

UNfortunately I've tried to unzip the IMWA twice on my machine now and it
just can't cope. I have XP on my laptop but my laptop is supposed to be a
"clean machine" that I don't connect to the internet (and catch lots of
email viruses!). However, when I get my new DVD writer set up I should be
able to transfer the 8MB download on disk.

One question: I also use SW-Edit a lot (it's the only SWML-producing SW I
have at the moment for offline use) - do you think it would be feasible to
write a converter between SWML-S and SWML? Or do the SWML people need to
start talking about standards?


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