Vertical Songs?
Valerie Sutton
Sun Jun 20 05:19:20 UTC 2004
SignWriting List
June 19, 2004
Adam Frost wrote:
> With all this discussion about vertical writing, it reminds me of a
> questions that I had a while back. Well, it was more of a thought of
> wonder
> than a question, but a question nonetheless. How would you write songs
> vertically? I know that you can put numbers on the side just like you
> would
> put number on the top is writing the song horizontally, but the
> question I
> am asking is how would you write the actual music with vertical
> writing. I
> am a musician, and I would love to write a songbook with the music and
> SW
> together. Writing horizontally would lose the flow of signing, as the
> Deaf
> Staff had said, but writing vertically would be a challenge for the
> music
> staff. If you have any ideas, that would be great. (Just a few things
> that I
> brainstorm at night when I can sleep, which is often. SMILE!)
So you are a Deaf musician, Adam? That is rare and very interesting!
Yes. Attached are some examples of writing timing with numbers across
or down...but as far as writing music down the page, I don't know...I
have written the music at the bottom of the document from left to
right, just as you would write the spoken language from left to write
like a translation at the end of the document, so the timing numbers
would be reference points for the music, so you could still write down
the page and coordinate with music...but why not try a document and
choose your creative method of combining the two worlds!? Just like
Stefan's wonderfully create pieces of SignWriting art, where he writes
in the pattern of an Apple or the number could develop your own
creative way of putting vertical SignWriting to music! smile Val ;-)
PS. Why not turn the music on it's side?...then it would be going top
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