[sw-l] Sign for SWITZERLAND...How would you write it?

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Nov 25 15:08:23 UTC 2004

SignWriting List
November 25, 2004

Ingvild Roald wrote:
> To my feeling, column 1, row 1 shows the left hand, not the right one -
> See my markings in red for the three, and in green for the one I feel
> is
> right. More next message

Hello Ingvild and Everyone -
And happy holidays to the US members of our list!

There is no problem. I just need time to explain. It will take several

1. I think we need to stop calling Rotations 1-8 the right hand, and
Rotations 9-16 the left hand. That will help a lot. From now on I am
going to use this terminology:

Rotations 1-8....symbols rotate counter-clockwise (CCW)
Rotations 9-16..symbols rotate clockwise (CW)

Then all Symbol Categories, including hands, movement etc...will all
call the Rotations the same thing.

2. Getting rid of the terms left and right will help for several
reasons. You will not feel restricted to use the rotation and flop you
want...If you want to use one down low on the grid for the right hand,
go right ahead!

3. This also helps with people who write Receptively, because alot of
the symbols reverse when you are writing what you see, versus what you

4. Go ahead and write as you feel looks best...the fact that we use 10
palm facings when we write by hand, and only 6 when we type by
computer, is bothering you...and rightfully...but our computer programs
are not setup for 10 palm facings right now...so I did manage a system
for getting the 9th and 10th palm facings into the IMWA, but I will
have to show you in the next messages....

Val ;-)

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