[sw-l] ITALY...Use FireFox web browser for SignPuddle

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Apr 28 14:04:49 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
April 28, 2005

Barbara -
Regarding speed...There are two issues...the speed of your connection,
plus which web browser you are using...

Regarding web browsers...Go to:

Web Browsers to Use with SignPuddle

Do NOT use Internet Explorer. It is not fast enough and the symbols do
not always show up.

The preferred web browser is FireFox, which is free to download on the
web...(link for download is on the page above)

So please tell your co-workers to download FireFox and use it...it is
for Macintosh, Windows and Linux...

Val ;-)

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