
Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Thu Aug 25 14:16:54 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
August 25, 2005

Hello Barbara, Nana and Stefan!
Just to explain....The reason that Stefan and Nana feel free to post  
in their native languages is that, as the moderator of the List, I  
said that was ok!

If you wanted to post a message in Italian or any other spoken  
language using the Roman alphabet, you are most welcome to do that,  
Barbara. The only limitation on the List is that the List software  
can only accept the Roman alphabet, and now we have our SignMail  
program, so we can send email in signs from different countries, or  
in spoken languages using the Roman alphabet.

If those who write in another language could also provide a  
translation into English that would be great, so others could is true that you are excluding some people  
automatically if you write without an English translation.

Why do I have this policy? Because there are some people who are  
frightened to post on the List because they do not know English and I  
am trying to encourage people from all over the world to  
participate...Obviously it is not a perfect solution, and postings  
that do not provide an English translation are the exception and not  
the rule, but then the List is criticised for having too much English  
anyway, so you can't really win...So any language is as long as it is romanized!) or in SignMail  
- Ha!

When Nana and Stefan are writing in German, I figure that around 10  
percent of the List members are probably reading it...I know we have  
other List members who know German...I read German, but if I have to  
answer a person from Germany who does not know English, I use one of  
those English-to-German translators and hope that the machine- 
language it generates is not too

Val ;-)


On Aug 25, 2005, at 1:45 AM, Barbara Pennacchi wrote:

> On 24.08.05 07:57, Nana Dumitra wrote:
>> Hallo Stefan,
>> Danke fÃŒr alle Hilfe, ich finde das echt toll, dass du dir die Zeit
> Euh, I apologize for interrupting but I have this slight handicap:
> I can "understand" German only in short & simple texts/sentences.  
> If it's quite sizeable (like your email), it just gives me some  
> hell of headache :p
> Either it was a personal email that misfired into a public one, or  
> if you think it might interest other readers, could you please  
> reword it in english? :)
> thank you very much :)))
> -- 
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Barbara Pennacchi               barbara.pennacchi (at) |
> |                 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche                 |
> |         Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione          |
> |       Via S. Martino della Battaglia 44, 00185 Roma, Italia        |
> |                                   |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

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