Create Sign-Vocabulary-Lists from SignPuddle

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Aug 7 20:17:01 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
August 7, 2005

Dear SW List!
Stefan taught me something sooo valuable today! I didn't know it was  
possible to save a whole section of a SignPuddle web site, to your  
desktop, and then use it offline, on your computer...

Stefan taught me how to do this by creating an instruction document.  
Here it is:

Sign-Vocabulary-Lists by Handshape 

How does this work? While on the internet, on SignPuddle, in the  
Symbol-Frequency section, you search for all the signs that use a  
certain handshape, creating a Sign-Vocabulary List. Then use the Save- 
As command in your web-browser, to save the Sign-Vocabulary-List to  
your desktop. You can then go off the internet, to work with the  
signs on your desktop, rather than on the web......Very valuable  
information for people with dial-up modems. Thank you, Stefan!

Val ;-)

PS. The steps are:

1. Open your web browser.
2. Go to SignPuddle
3. In SignPuddle, click on Symbol Frequency.
4. Click on a handshape.
5. All of the signs that use that handshape are listed.
6. Under File, in your web browser, choose Save As.
7. Create a folder on our desktop.
8. Save As to that folder, giving your file a name.
9. Leave SignPuddle.
10. Open your folder on your desktop.
11. Open the file inside.
12. There is your Vocabulary List of all the signs using that one  
13. Copy and paste those signs into other documents.
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