[sw-l] index finger movement left right

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sat Feb 19 19:42:09 UTC 2005

SignWriting List
February 19, 2005

Dear SW List and Stefan!
Here, in the attached diagram, I show the Hinge Finger Movement
Side-to-Side. Hinge Finger Movement never has stems on the arrows.
No-stems helps the reader differentiate between movement of the whole
arm and hand, with movement of the finger only...Notice how tiny small
the Hinge Movements to the side are! I need to add them to the IMWA in
SignMaker...We do not have the smaller size in the IMWA at the

So reading the numbers in the attached diagram:

1. Not possible. It is an arm movement (we know that because of the
stems on the arrows). But as an arm movement, it needs to be with a
dark arrowhead for the right hand...

2. Hinge Movement Close-Close.

3. Hinge Movement Close-Open-Close.

4. Hinge Movement Side-Side.

5. Hinge Movement Side-OtherSide-Side. This is the shaking of the
finger saying no-no!...

-------------- next part --------------
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