How long does it take to learn?

Adam Frost adam at FROSTVILLAGE.COM
Fri Dec 15 21:45:52 UTC 2006

I can only say from my experience as a Deaf user. I have taught a lot
of Deafies to read SW, and they all get it in less than 30 minutes.
Now that doesn't mean that they can write in SW, but the can read a
document without support.
Now, for your question about daily users, that will be diffcult to
figure as I am sure several others on the list will agree. But I can
speak for myself that I have tons of notes to myself in SW. My
computer has some, but is limited because of the lack of technology.
Which brings me to my next comment, most Deafies I know near me don't
use it on a daily bases because there isn't ease to use it. This has
brought out my blunt nature of being Deaf (and because I know them
well) to say to them it is just an excuse to stay illiterate in their
own native language. (I know. Very bold!)
I hope this helped you out some.


On 12/15/06, Jason Hopkins <codenosher at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Just so you know, I'm probing a bit for some research I'm doing :)
> From your experiences, how long does it take for your average Deaf person to
> learn SW good enough to read most things?  I know this is pretty vague, but
> I'd like to know about what you've experienced yourself or in training
> classes.
> I'd also like to know how many people are using SW on a daily basis, and in
> what ways.  I have seen the cards and a couple of emails, but in what ways
> are you using this on a daily basis for meaningful communication outside of
> the handful of grade schools I've seen listed.
> Does anyone leave coworkers notes in SW?  Look around your computer, on a
> bulletin board or on your fridge, do you have notes to yourself or others in
> SW?  I'd really like to know how the deaf Deaf are using SW on a daily
> basis.
> -Jason
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