SignText Video Instruction in Quicktime
Valerie Sutton
Tue Oct 17 15:25:00 UTC 2006
SignWriting List
October 17, 2006
Cherie -
You are doing beautifully! All you need is a three-day workshop with
me and your questions would be answered. Maybe we can arrange for you
and a few others on your staff to travel to San Diego to study with
But having said that, you are one of the most skilled with SignText
in the world right now, Cherie, and I am grateful for your wonderful
On another side note, the SW List software (the software that posts
our messages) is not doing well. I noticed that members of the
TeachASL List are having the same problem. I have tried to post
around 6 times this morning and none of my emails have reached the
List...if this one does, it is the first to succeed and it is quite
So maybe I should start a private List just for SignWriting and
SignText instruction? and people will have to write to me privately
to sign up, and we can send messages back and forth between a small
group of us?
That might solve the problem for now...
Is there anyone who wants to study with me in that way privately?
Val ;-)
On Oct 17, 2006, at 5:06 AM, Cherie Wren wrote:
> When I first got interested in SignWriting, it was
> when the SWDOS program was all that was available. I
> downloaded it, looked at it, and felt so completely
> overwhelmed that I gave up. When I came back, it was
> to the SignPuddle, not yet SignText. It was no longer
> overwhelming. I could SEE what I was doing, whereas
> on the SWDOS, I could not. On that, I saw my regular
> keyboard, and had no idea how to make it into a
> signwriting keyboard. There was no "Lessons in
> Signwriting: book then either...
> It does feel slow, but thats because I'm still not
> always certain exactly what I'm doing. I really need
> to try to write a little everyday to build up
> confidence and speed... I go into the layers with
> rotations because I need to see what my options are
> and pick just the right one. I don't always know
> --without seeing choices-- which symbol I need. I
> also sign while I'm writing-- still "sounding out"
> (Feeling out? :-) what I'm doing, which makes my
> coworker who shares the office laugh at me...
> ::grin::
> cherie
> --- Valerie Sutton <signwriting at MAC.COM> wrote:
>> SignWriting List
>> October 16, 2006
>> Steve - You are doing so much for us! I am most
>> amazed and grateful
>> for the drag and drop system you have created for
>> us...It is a
>> miracle how fast I can create a sentence...has
>> anyone noticed how
>> fast I created that sentence in the video? I do not
>> bother with going
>> down layers most of the time but get the upper
>> symbol and then use
>> the command keys to rotate and flop the symbol and
>> also I use the
>> Fill Key to change the palm facing...that is very
>> very similar to the
>> way it would be typed in SignWriter DOS - those
>> special command keys
>> are exactly taken from our typing system in
>> SignWriter DOS, so I
>> think that if Ron could really study the way I
>> created that sentence
>> in the video, you will see that I was using keys
>> with the mouse, that
>> are exactly the same as in SignWriter DOS special
>> command keys...
>> the dragging and dropping is much faster than I
>> believe people
>> realize, because of the combination with the special
>> command keys
>> with the dragging and dropping and in the long run,
>> I believe that
>> SignPuddle is at least equal to the speed of
>> creating sentences with
>> SignWriter DOS right now...we could time me creating
>> a sentence with
>> SWDOS and SignText and I bet the SignText would be
>> at least equal...
>> So look at the video again to see how much I use the
>> command keys...
>> teaching people to type directly in SignWriting
>> symbols with
>> SignWriter DOS never went well because most people
>> pasted from the
>> dictionary and never learned to really type
>> directly...
>> That is why it is so important to create sentences
>> directly in
>> SignText without pasting signs in from
>> SignPuddle...creating the
>> signs without pasting is better for the grammar of
>> the language
>> because the writer puts more unique facial
>> expressions in
>> automatically when they are not being forced into an
>> exact sign from
>> a dictionary..
>> Val ;-)
>> On Oct 16, 2006, at 6:00 PM, Steve Slevinski wrote:
>>> Hi Ron,
>>> The keyboard is very important for SignWriting and
>> will return.
>>> Hopefully there will be another version of
>> SignWriter someday.
>>> Interestingly enough, Val has already designed a
>> keyboard layout
>>> for the entire IMWA.
>>> In the future, keyboarding will be included in
>> SignPuddle. It will
>>> probably start with adjusting the placement of
>> symbols and the
>>> special commands like rotate and fill. Full
>> keyboarding will take
>>> some time because of technical issues and
>> priorities. It is also a
>>> special skill that few took the time to master.
>>> But just imaging writing a complete SignWriting
>> document with only
>>> the keyboard. It's fast and natural. I'm sure
>> Val and Stefan
>>> could explain it better than I.
>>> I can't imagine writing English using the mouse.
>> The keyboard is
>>> so much more powerful. But then we'll need
>> training material for
>>> touch typing and SignWriting. Maybe even an
>> online tool that
>>> teaches touch typing interactively. So much to
>> do...
>>> Regards,
>>> -Steve
>>> Ronald Dettloff wrote:
>>>> Dear Valerie,
>>>> Thanks for explaining about the font sizes.
>> Great! Regarding
>>>> the hot-keys: a better explanation would be
>> remember how you could
>>>> use your keyboard to go into the different layers
>> of a sign. I
>>>> think that is quicker the the amount of time
>> needed click through
>>>> the various layers until you find the right
>> symbol. For example I
>>>> would like a set of keys to move a sign around,
>> manipulate the
>>>> sign, or call out for the touch, dynamic or
>> movement signs. That
>>>> way all my fingers and the mouse could be used.
>> We lost a lot of
>>>> advantages when we went to windows. I think it
>> might be a good
>>>> idea for you to allow people to make suggestions
>> for the keyboard
>>>> and then Stephen could incorporate them into
>> SignPuddle.
>>>> Thanks for asking,
>>>> Rev. Ronald H. Dettloff, 20880 Ten Mile Road, St.
>> Clair Shores, MI
>>>> 48080
>>>> Other Web links:
>>>> Audiences/Default.asp
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Val ;-)
Valerie Sutton
Sutton at
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2. SignBank
Create Sign Language Databases
3. SignPuddle
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4. SignText
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5. SignWriting List
Technical Support: Ask questions to the List
6. DanceWriting
Read & Write Dance Movement
7. MovementWriting
Read & Write All Body Movement
8. SymbolBank
International Movement Writing Alphabet
SignWriting Literacy Project
The DAC, Deaf Action Committee
Center For Sutton Movement Writing
an educational nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 517, La Jolla, CA, 92038, USA
tel 858-456-0098 fax 858-456-0020
D-Link Videophone:
Skype Name: valeriesutton
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