SWML question from France

Valerie Sutton signwriting at MAC.COM
Sat Feb 17 15:19:44 UTC 2007

SignWriting List
February 17, 2007

Good morning List members!

Can someone answer this question? smile...

   je suis Abdelfatteh,je suis un rechercheur dans le domaine des  
langages de modelisation des signes.j'ai lu un document pdf dans le  
cite www.signwriting.org qui interprete la conversion depuis SWML  
vers les BAP sequences video des signes codés en SWML.
   L'information que je cherche etant comment determiner le mouvement  
lorsque je trouve un symbole de mouvement.c'est a dire ya t il une  
regle a appliquer lorsque je trouve un symbole de mouvement pour  
determiner le mouvement ettendu.

jallali Abdelfatteh


AltaVista BabelFish translation French to English:

hello, I am Abdelfatteh, I am a research worker in the field of the  
languages of modelisation of the signes. I read a document pdf in  
quotes www.signwriting.org which interprete conversion since SWML  
towards the BAP video sequences of the signs coded into SWML.  
Information that I seek etant how determiner the movement when I find  
a symbol of mouvement.c' has to say ya is a rule has to apply when I  
find a symbol of movement for determiner the movement ettendu.

jallali Abdelfatteh

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