AW: [sw-l] Shurley 4

Jonathan duncanjonathan at YAHOO.CA
Tue May 1 02:57:42 UTC 2007

Valerie Sutton wrote:
> SignWriting List
> April 30, 2007
> CWren at wrote:
>> I changed it, but thats why rotations mess with my head so badly, I
>> think.  As I watch my hands sign that, I see the same motion as the
>> sign for DEAD or one door open, one closes.  The hands are just
>> closer together, so they move around each other as they twist...   Is
>> the difference in the position of the forearm?
> I want you to know that I plan to teach Rotations again, here on the
> List and also on the web. I have noticed several other writers also
> find the Rotation symbols are not alone, Cherie...
I am finding the rotations hard too.  Looking forward to some more
explanations on that!!!

> In fact, when I look at all the documents posted on the web, written
> by different authors, it is an excellent way to see where
> misunderstandings in the symbols are more common for people...
> And Rotation symbols seem to be at the top of the list...
> So I hope I can help...I cannot promise exactly when this will
> happen...but as soon as I can...
> Thanks for your documents, Cherie...and for your video clips ;-))
> Val ;-)


Jonathan & Yolaine Duncan
8-)  & ;-)

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