Birthday Party Page 4

K.J. Boal kjoanne403 at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Nov 2 23:52:02 UTC 2007

Hi again Val!

> From: dac at
> Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 12:16:30 -0700
> To: sw-l at
> Subject: [sw-l] Birthday Party Page 4
> SignWriting List
> November 2, 2007
> On Nov 2, 2007, at 12:06 PM, K.J. Boal wrote:
> > SignSpelling rules say that if you only write one hand position, it  
> > should be the end position . . . I think I've broken that rule with  
> > my new spelling.  What can I say?  The sign is not an exact mime of  
> > the movement.
> Hello Kelly Jo, Stefan, Adam and everyone -
> Actually, Kelly Jo, it is important that we clear this up. The  
> SignSpelling Rules for Finger Movement Symbols do say that the second  
> position is always written (like the sign for Milk writes the closing  
> position with the fingers squeezing and so forth)

Oh, that's right - I keep forgetting that rule specifically refers to finger movements!
> And it is also true that if a sign finishes in contact, then the  
> second Position of Contact is always written, but if there is a  
> Position of Contact in the beginning of the sign, and not at the end,  
> then the first position is always written, because the Position of  
> Contact is always written.

That I actually did remember; I just didn't think it was relevant in this
case because I actually don't sign "ice cream" with any kind of contact.
> In the sign for ICE CREAM, the Position of Contact is the beginning  
> position, because we are brushing the this sign needs to be  
> written parallel to the wall plane...

Well, we're coming close to the chin . . . like I say, I don't actually make
contact . . .
> and I am of course not an expert in ASL at please know that  
> I not saying I know this sign very well, but I thought it just  
> brushed down twice remaining parallel to the wall plane at the end as  
> well...but maybe that is my misunderstanding of ASL...

Locking your wrist in that position is awkward . . . for me, the movement comes
from the wrist, not the whole arm.  Because the movement is from the wrist,
the arm twists and the hand ends up in a different orientation . . .  at least
it does the way I sign it . . .
> no matter what, the beginning position has to be written in this case  
> because it is the Position of Contact...

Good point there!
> I have realized for some time that I need to write all of these  
> Spelling Rules in an updated guidelines and have not gotten to it yet  
> so I am sorry about that!
> Val ;-)

That's okay, we're muddling along as it is! ;-)  I think these discussions
come about mostly because of the slight variations in the way we produce
(or think we produce) the signs, and that leads to variations in the way we 
write them.

Bye for now,
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