Article on (someone else's) ASL-to-English dictionary

Kimberley Shaw skifoot at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 13 18:08:49 UTC 2009

Hello everyone:
clearly, we need to go do some serious PR with the folks at "Technology Review"!
"The first sign-language dictionary searchable by gesture"?
Not by a long shot!
All the best,
Kim from Boston

Monday, January 12, 2009
Sign-Language Translator
The first sign-language dictionary that's searchable by gesture.
By Jennifer Chu
Bilingual dictionaries are usually a two-way street: you can look up a
word in English and find, say, its Spanish equivalent, but you can
also do the reverse. Sign-language dictionaries, however, translate
only from written words to gestures. This can be hugely frustrating,
particularly for parents of deaf children who want to understand
unfamiliar gestures, or deaf people who want to interact online using
their primary language. So Boston University (BU) researchers are
developing a searchable dictionary for sign language, in which any
user can enter a gesture into a dictionary's search engine from her
own laptop by signing in front of a built-in camera.
"You might have a collection of sign language in YouTube, and now to
search, you have to search in English," says Stan Sclaroff, a
professor of computer science at BU. It's the equivalent, Sclaroff
says, of searching for Spanish text using English translations. "It's
unnatural," he says, "and it's not fair."
Sclaroff is developing the dictionary in collaboration with Carol
Neidle, a professor of linguistics at BU, and Vassilis Athitsos,
assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the
University of Texas at Arlington. Once the user performs a gesture,
the dictionary will analyze it and pull up the top five possible
matches and meanings.
"Today's sign-language recognition is [at] about the stage where
speech recognition was 20 years ago," says Thad Starner, head of the
Contextual Computing Group at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Starner's group has been developing sign-language recognition software
for children, using sensor-laden gloves to track hand movements. He
and his students have designed educational games in which
hearing-impaired children, wearing the gloves, learn sign language. A
computer evaluates hand shape and moves on to the next exercise if a
child has signed correctly.
Unlike Starner's work, Sclaroff and Neidle's aims for a sensorless
system in which anyone with a camera and Internet connection can learn
sign language and interact. The approach, according to Starner, is
unique in the field of sign-language recognition, as well as in the
field of computer vision.
"This takes a lot of processing power, and trying to deal with sign
language in different video qualities is very hard," says Starner. "So
if they're successful, it would be very cool to actually be able to
search the Web in sign language."
To tackle this stiff challenge, the BU team is asking multiple signers
to sit in a studio, one at a time, and sign through 3,000 gestures in
a classic American Sign Language (ASL) dictionary. As they sign, four
high-speed, high-quality cameras simultaneously pick up front and side
views, as well as facial expressions. According to Neidle, smiles,
frowns, and raised eyebrows are a largely understudied part of ASL
that could offer strong clues to a gesture's meaning.
As the visual data comes in, Neidle and her students analyze it,
marking the start and finish of each sign and identifying key
subgestures--units equivalent to English phonemes. Meanwhile, Sclaroff
is using this information to develop algorithms that can, say,
distinguish the signer's hands from the background, or recognize hand
position and shape and patterns of movement. Given that any individual
could sign a word in a slightly different way, the team is analyzing
gestures from both native and non-native signers, hoping to develop a
computer recognizer that can handle such variations.
The main challenge going forward may be taking into account the many
uncontrollable factors on the user's side of the interface, says
Sclaroff. For example, someone using a gesture to enter a search query
into a laptop will have a lower-quality camera. The background may be
more cluttered than the carefully controlled studio environment in the
database samples, and the computer will have to adjust for variables
like clothing and skin tone.
"Just to produce the sign and look it up--that's the real novelty
we're trying to accomplish," says Neidle. "That would be an
improvement over anything that exists now."


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