Liquid sign

Charles Butler chazzer3332000 at YAHOO.COM
Sun Mar 8 00:04:54 UTC 2009

How's this? Natasha, Valerie, Adam, Stefan..  I changed mine to reflect the wrist flex, the fact that the hands are parallel to the floor, the flexing of the hands, the flexing of the wrists, and the motion to the right.  I only read the motion once, not repeated.  

liquid flowing matter, fluid that is not gas.          
Source: Cherie Wren videotape, transcribed by Charles Butler
Modified: March 07, 2009 15:57
Puddle page 9892

From: SignWriting <signwriting at>
To: SignWriting List <sw-l at>
Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2009 5:25:40 PM
Subject: Re: [sw-l] Liquid sign

Hello Natasha , Adam, Stefan, Cherie, Charles and everyone!

This is a great discussion, I agree...and now I understand your questions much better...Your video was very helpful, Natasha. When you can see someone else read your own writing, that is a great way to get good feedback...

And this is not a new issue...This same issue has happened with other writing of other wavy motions, like OCEAN or WAVES...

The question arises...Should we write a great deal of detail to show that the Wrist is not "locked" and is also flexing at the same time that the arm moves? is a "combination" of an arm movement and a simultaneous wrist movement"...that is very true...

If we look at some of the writings, in the ASL dictionary, for the sign for WAVES or OCEAN, you can see the same problem..Take a look at this writing of OCEAN WAVES...

The hands are flat to the floor, but you cannot know really, if the hands are going up and down at the wrist or if they remain locked in the 'flat to the floor" position the whole time during the information is given as to the wrist movement:

We have been "assuming" that the wrists wave up and down to match the  
movement, without actually writing the hand changes...

I guess we could write the wrist movement as well as the arm  
movement...want to try that, someone?

Val ;-)

On Mar 7, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Natasha Escalada-Westland wrote:

> Here is my attempt to attach a video of how Val's writing looked to  
> me.  How would you write what my movement is then Val?
> Thanks!  These are really interesting and fun discussions!
> Natasha Escalada-Westland, M.Ed. (D/HH), Macromedia Cert.
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