Liquid sign

Charles Butler chazzer3332000 at YAHOO.COM
Sun Mar 8 13:55:12 UTC 2009

The only problem I have with your writing is that looking at your four slides there is in fact a wave curve on the arms and hands, regardless of how it is produced.  How do we show that wave?  The arms do move up and down in a wave if not side to side and it is continuous motion.  If you draw a line across the photograph, a sine wave is shown on the line by the arms and hands, how does one show that wave in feeling.  It's an up and down wave (which is a double line) but it does not move side to side (which would have an arrow).  

From: SignWriting <signwriting at>
To: SignWriting List <sw-l at>
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 3:31:16 AM
Subject: Re: [sw-l] Liquid sign

SignWriting List
March 7, 2009

Hi Everyone -
Thanks for your postings of new ways to write the sign. We have quite a collection now!

Here are two more versions of mine, based on Adam's video, which does not travel in the same way that Cherie's video did...Adam's is more in a circle in front of the body, where Cherie's seemed to truly wave to one side...Thank you Adam for the video...In these writings, I wrote the beginning and ending position for each circle or curve...
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