DocumentMaker Pro 2010 available for download...

MARIA GALEA maria.azzopardi at UM.EDU.MT
Wed Jul 21 07:02:31 UTC 2010

Thanks Valerie,
This is great news. I look forward to using it. Will download it right now.
Once I get started, we could talk over Skype..
Have a lovely day,

> SignWriting List
> July 19, 2010
> Dear SW Listers and Maria!
> The new DocumentMaker Pro 2010 software is available for download:
> DocumentMaker Pro 2010
> It is for Mac OSX and Windows, and can be used with or without FileMaker
> Pro 11.
> There are no instruction manuals yet, but I hope to write one someday, and
> I plan to post some sample documents to show users how to work with the
> software later too. I may even do a little instruction video someday, but
> at least the program is posted for download.
> Compose your documents in SignPuddle Online as always. When you want to
> print your documents, one choice is to use DocumentMaker Pro.
> There are seven book-layout formats already designed for you. You can drag
> and drop columns directly from SignPuddle into DocumentMaker, then add
> page numbers in sign language, and any spoken language you wish. When you
> have designed your book pages, you can then print to PDF or to your
> printer...
> Maria, if you want to try the new DocumentMaker, you may find this 2010
> version can make better PDFs, and once you have made a PDF document, you
> can open the PDF in other software, such as Acrobat, and print at a
> variety of sizes through the Acrobat print driver...
> Later we could design a printing format for you that is specfically A5,
> but at the moment we do not have that specific print layout - so making
> the PDF at A4 size and then reducing will most likely be best -
> I am happy to walk you through how to use the program step by step over
> the phone or on Skype -
> I look forward to using DocumentMaker myself now!
> Val ;-)

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