link to Stefan's SpeechWriting page seems to be broken (Re: [SW-L] Call: The holy quest for an IPA-indexed table of correspondences among units of: IPA, Visemes (pics), SpeechWriting, Graphemes

fernando capovilla fcapovilla3 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Feb 12 21:40:29 UTC 2011

Dear Valerie,
I tried to go through the pages you ent me but unfortunately the link
appears to be broken:

I clicked in:

 But could not have access to the much desired page:
*Write German Speech*

I could not have access to:
archive docs2 sw0124 Mundbild Schrift

All the other links to all the other pages you mentioned are ok. But the one
I really needed (SpeechWriting) is off the air right now.  In the meantime I
will keep on working in adapting SpeechWriting to Portuguese.
Do you think people for the linguistic forum might be interested in working
on that quest for an IPA-indexed table of correspondences among units of:
IPA, Visemes (pics), SpeechWriting, Graphemes?
Again, thank you so very much.
2011/2/12 fernando capovilla <fcapovilla3 at>

> Dear Valerie:
> Wow! Great pictures! Quite impressive work Stefen has done!
> I admire especially the one indicating that spelling improves as
> consequence of SpeechWriting.
> You know. The reason why I am so enthusiastic about it is because there is
> plenty of experimental evidence showing that deaf people with good literacy
> skills resort to the visemic mental representation of speech as they read.
> That is, the evoke the mental visual representations of speech as they read.
> The gaps in the correspondences between visemes and graphemes explain a
> large amount of spelling errors they make. SpeechWriting is a way of nailing
> down the units involved in such a phenomenon, so as to reveal the best way
> of filling in those gaps with supplemental handshapes. I simply loved this
> picture you sent of the deaf child transcribing speech. For all the
> theoretical reasons in the world, I am really enthusiastic about it.
> Congratulations to Stefan. Let us cite that beautiful work of his, and
> expand on it!
> Cheers,
>   Fernando
> 2011/2/12 Valerie Sutton <sutton at>
>>  SignWriting List
>> February 12, 2011
>> Hello Fernando!
>> I am sooo glad I told you about Stefan's work with Mundbildschrift
>> (SpeechWriting)... and his Deaf students also write German Sign Language
>> with SignWriting and lots of facial expressions for Mouthing words while
>> signing (called Mundbilder, which is different than Mindbildschrift for
>> writing spoken language)...HIs work is really groundbreaking - Maybe you can
>> have longer discussions together...
>> Stefan is traveling right now, but when he returns I am sure he can answer
>> your questions -
>> Meanwhile, here are some more web pages to visit:
>> SignWriting in Germany
>> Stefan's Extensive Web Site
>> SignPuddle for Germany
>> Take a look at the Facial Expressions for Mouthing in the dictionary and
>> in the literature files
>> Photo Gallery from long ago
>> Here is the same picture of Irina, but with Stefan's English message below
>> it
>> Look at this photo...the Deaf students can read the SignWriting of German
>> signs and write the equivalent in spoken German, another skill that is
>> useful for learning to translate between languages, explained more on this
>> web page:
>> and to write to Stefan:
>> Stefan Woehrmann
>> stefanwoehrmann at
>> Val ;-)
>> ---------
>>  On Feb 12, 2011, at 10:26 AM, fernando capovilla wrote:
>>  Wow, Valerie!!!
>> Your message gave me goosebumps!
>> Thank you so very much for calling my attention to Stefan Woehrmann's
>> amazingly important work!
>> I felt that sort of thrill running up and down my spinal cord that signals
>> when I am before something of true importance!
>> Woehrmann's strategy of using Sutton's SignWriting to write speech...
>> SpeechWriting... is just brilliant!
>> Gosh, you guys are awesome! That is precisely what I needed! Wow!
>> Over the last 20 years my crew and I have documented the cheremic
>> structure and the morphemic structures of the Libras lexicon, and over the
>> last 12 years we have benefited from SignWriting as a way of writing down
>> those parameters. Over the last 8 years my crew and I have documented
>> visemis structure of Portuguese (specially in its correspondence to phonemic
>> and graphemic structures). We have also created a number of instruments
>> and documented the parameters of language development of deaf
>> population. During all that time we had been dreaming of reconciling and
>> articulating the efforts of two fronts in order to overcome the apparent
>> schizophrenic state of affairs in deaf education:
>> Lately, on one hand we had been studying Cued Speech and Visual phonics
>> and their benefits for literacy acquisition. On the other hand, we had been
>> planning the systematic study of the benefits of SignWriting for
>> metalinguistic development and literacy acquisition. Now, your message
>> simply makes the perfect match between those extremes, fills the gap,
>> restores the cycle of sanity and progress.
>> Valerie: Ientered the page you send me. I saw beautiful Irina's picture,
>> and it just warmed my heart. She was pointing at the SpeechWriting unit and
>> was emiting the corresponding lalemic unit. So the correspondence
>> viseme-SpeechWriting was there, beautifully illustrated. (Oh, if we just had
>> the table of visemes-grapheme-SpeechWriting units with the corresponding
>> symbol transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet!!!.) Then,
>> below, there was a series of six pictures of that handsome blond boy
>> illustrating 6 visemes-grapheme-SpeechWriting units. Great! That is
>> precisely the sort of correspondences we need! (But we need the whole table
>> of visemes-grapheme-SpeechWriting units with the corresponding symbol
>> transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet!!!) Then, by clicking
>> below:
>> it appears a wonderful table (and he did that back in 2002!) from A to Eu,
>> along with pictures of visemes! (Oh, Gosh! The only thing mising is the
>> International Phonetic Alphabet transcription! Just that to make it
>> perfect!)
>> by clicking
>> we watch the baby crying for his mother: "where is my mother"
>> great! amazing!
>> Beautiful work!
>> Could it be possible to complete that incredible page by adding the
>> International Phonetic Alphabet transcription?
>> In the new expanded edition of the Novo Deit-Libras I have written a large
>> chapter describing a new paradigm for lexical research in Sign languages, as
>> well as a 100 page chapter describing a new paradigm for
>> speech-written-signed language research in which I included a section on
>> SignWriting as a tremendous resource (where I provide references of books,
>> theses, and site), as well a section on Cued Speech and Visual Phonics
>> (where I provide references of books, theses, and site). Now I do want to
>> include a section on SpeechWriting, and I need more sources of references to
>> cite. I need to provide references to books, theses, chapters, articles, as
>> well as the site. Therefore I would like to ask  Stefan Woehrmann and
>> Valerie if they have papers, chapters, publications I could cite in our
>> dictionary in order to help people know of SpeechWriting. I would also like
>> to ask Stefan and Valerie and other colleagues who know the International
>> Phonetic Alphabet as well as German whether they could provide
>> the International Phonetic Alphabet transcription of each viseme depicted in
>> those pictures in pages such as:
>> B
>> that is, we need at least from spricht A to spricht EU.
>> The new edition off our NOVO DEIT-LIBRAS is to go to print in 3 weeks, and
>> it would be so good if I could include as much information as possble
>> on SpeechWriting. That is why I need references to be able to list and
>> divulge. It would also be of the utmost importance to have the SpeechWriting
>> units corresponding to the IPA units, at least in German and English (should
>> there be one).  People do have to know more about it. And we, here in
>> Brazil, have to adapt SpeechWriting to write down the Portuguese visemes, so
>> as to be able to use it as a way of writing down Brazilian-Portuguese speech
>> and also implementing Cued Speech and Visual Phonics in a much improved way.
>> Som what we can do now to help kids is to (with due credits to you, guys,
>> inventors of SpeechWriting) use your SpeechWriting to write down the
>> orofacial patterns of Portuguese! Would you please tell me whether Stefan
>> Woehrmann has mapped the visemes of the spoken German? Does he have a table
>> of correspondences among visemes, graphemes, SpeechWriting units,
>> International Phonetic Alphabet transcriptions?
>> Stefan Woehrmann: are you there? Can you please send us the table of
>> correspondences among visemes, graphemes, SpeechWriting units, International
>> Phonetic Alphabet transcriptions? Along with papers you have written that we
>> may cite in our papers and chapters and books?
>> We now need terribly a table of correspondences among visemes,
>> graphemes, SpeechWriting units, International Phonetic Alphabet
>> transcriptions based on the International Phonetic Alphabet, so that we
>> might write down each and every spoken language conceivable. It would be of
>> the utmost importance if the inventors of the SpeechWriting system could lay
>> down all SpeechWriting units linked to the International Phonetic Alphabet.
>> That would allow us to speechwrite each and every language.
>> The first step would be for Stefan to add the International Phonetic
>> Alphabet transcription of the visemes illustrated in his pictures, so as to
>> allow the speechwriting of German.
>> Stefan, could you please provide the table of SpeechWriting units for the
>> visemes of German along with IPA transcriptions?
>> (The first step would be to add the International Phonetic Alphabet
>> transcription beside each picture.)
>> Sorry for the enthusiasm. It is invluntary. The culprit is this funny pink
>> cloud that seems not to go away. What an enduring great feeling! I am
>> experiencing a state of grace! Inspiration feels just great! Thank you for
>> that! (I feel 30 years younger and 90 pounds lighter! -hah!)
>> Fernando
>> 2011/2/12 Valerie Sutton <sutton at>
>>> SignWriting List
>>> February 12, 2011
>>> Hello Fernando and everyone!
>>> Thank you for this message...
>>>  On Feb 10, 2011, at 9:45 PM, fernando capovilla wrote:
>>> Thank you for your kind message, and for posting the news.
>>> It was fun to see the TV program from Brazil ;-)
>>>  I will try to explain briefly what I meant:
>>> Over the last 20 years we have made strong efforts to establish research
>>> & development programs for creating valid and standardized batteries for
>>> assessing of a wide range of language competences. After examining more than
>>> 10,000 deaf students for more than 25 hours each, we have mapped parameters
>>> of development of competences such as alphabetical reading &
>>> spelling, speechreading skill and vocabulary, sign comprehension and
>>> expression, cheremic awareness, morphemic awareness, working memory, etc.
>>> What a huge undertaking! ...
>>>  We have used those instruments and parameters to compare the effects of
>>> a number of variables such as school placement, language used as vehicle for
>>> teaching, literacy acquisition methods and materials, etc. We have
>>> discovered the best time schedule for literacy acquisition and articulation
>>> between special education and mainstreaming, and we are working on public
>>> policies of education based on that scientific evidence.
>>> Changing public policies, I bet, must be very hard indeed... This is such
>>> important work for Deaf education...
>>>  We have covered a wide range of subjects and fields, ranging all the
>>> way from the transparent to the profound. In order to help deaf kids learn
>>> Portuguese we have used all strategies conceivable, including taking
>>> advantage of the degree of transparency in the orofacial-graphemic
>>> correspondences in spoken and written Portuguese for helping
>>> cochlear-implanted deaf kids, all the way to taking advantage of the deep
>>> morphemic structure correspondences between Libras and Portuguese for
>>> helping congenital deaf kid read and spell. We have come across beautifully
>>> significant effects that have been quite encouraging.
>>> Very impressive, Fernando - just setting up the project must be a huge
>>> job, as well as then collecting all the data and so forth -
>>> May I mention another way to reach Deaf kids who need to learn spoken
>>> languages?... Stefan Woehrmann at the Osnabruck School for the Deaf in
>>> Osnabruck, Germany, is a teacher of Deaf children, many of whom have
>>> cochlear implants... Stefan has helped Deaf students learn to speak, read
>>> and write better spoken language using his own creative
>>> German it is called Mundbildschrift, and in English we call it Woehrmann's
>>> SpeechWriting, where the symbols for mouth movements in SignWriting, have
>>> been expanded to write spoken an entire spoken language sentence
>>> can be written in SpeechWriting, showing the Deaf student how the mouth
>>> moves when pronouncing words, in a standardized way...and it works! Stefan's
>>> students are not only reading and understanding the German spoken language
>>> better than other Deaf students who do not have this tool, but their actual
>>> speech is improving as well... I think Stefan's work is really a new
>>> contribution to Deaf education, that many teachers do not realize is there
>>> yet...
>>> l
>>> I realize that SpeechWriting for spoken Portuguese may not be practical
>>> in Brazil right now, but nonetheless, writing the way the mouth moves while
>>> speaking can also have benefit for Deaf education, so I wanted to share that
>>> working theory with you - it could be developed specifically for the
>>> Portuguese spoken language if you ever know of someone who is interested
>>> working on that project...
>>>  Also, we have documented thousands of fascinating phenomena, such as
>>> cheremic paralexias and cheremic paragrafias similar to those first
>>> described originally by Klina & Bellugi's The signs of language; and
>>> Poizner, Klima & Bellugi's What the hands reveal about the brain. Now we are
>>> finally getting close to the point we started dreaming of back in 1998, when
>>> we first found out about SignWriting while struggling with HamNoSys and
>>> Stokoe Notation System.
>>> smile
>>> I feel very honored to work with you, and that SignWriting is useful...
>>>  We are finally getting close to be able to start addressing the
>>> questions pertaining the analysis and mapping the effects of SW upon
>>> cognition and language. We first had to set a number of parameters straight
>>> so as to know precisely where we are. We have made encouraging progress in
>>> that regard. We still have to finish the treatise, the compendium, the new
>>> sign-retrieval system based on cheremes, and the 6 remaining volumes of the
>>> encyclopedia first, though. Yet, we are confident we will manage to succeed
>>> in including a research lprogram devoted to assessing the effects of a SW
>>> instruction program by 2012. We will keep on working. Thank you very much
>>> for your kind enduring support. We have learned a lot from you. Best warm
>>> wishes,
>>> Fernando
>>> I am sooo happy to know about your plans to test the use of SignWriting
>>> with Deaf students by 2012...THANK YOU for your hard work you have already
>>> done, teaching your Deaf staff SignWriting, and writing so many signs in the
>>> books you have already published....Just looking at all the signs is almost
>>> overwhelming, there are so many written already...I am quite impressed with
>>> the sheer number of written signs you have - your Deaf staff has been busy!
>>> I will continue to teach how I edit signs on this SW List, not only based
>>> on your beautiful book, Novo Diet-Libras, but also based on other projects.
>>> I will continue to post these lessons on this List, and when time permits
>>> (grin), I will also post the instruction on the web, so everyone can refer
>>> to the lessons maybe by 2012 you will have more materials to
>>> work with for your research on SignWriting...
>>> Meanwhile, remember to look at this area on the web from time to time:
>>> SignWriting Lessons
>>> <>-
>>> and thanks once again, Fernando!
>>> Val ;-)
>>> -----------
>>> 2011/2/11 Valerie Sutton <sutton at>
>>>> SignWriting List
>>>> February 10, 2011
>>>> Please watch this video:
>>>> Professor Fernando Capovilla is in the second half of the TV
>>>> wait through the beginning, and in the second segment you will
>>>> meet Fernando, telling the world about the Novo-Deit Libras Dictionary...and
>>>> although my understanding of Portuguese is minimal (smile ;-) I noticed that
>>>> SignWriting is mentioned when Fernando opens the dictionary and points to
>>>> the SignWriting - it looked very nice!
>>>> An enjoyable program - Val ;-)
>>>> PS. I am interested in your research project you mention below,
>>>> Fernando...thank you for a systematic study of SignWriting - I had better
>>>> get back to my lessons and provide you all with good materials....we have
>>>> some new textbooks to share...
>>>>  <>
>>>>  On Feb 8, 2011, at 8:49 PM, fernando capovilla wrote:
>>>> Dear Valerie,
>>>> We are working on your great lessons. Thank you very much.
>>>> The 2nd part (2min 26 sec) of this video below talks about our Dic and
>>>> SignWriting (4min). It was aired in national public television.
>>>> I am coordinating a research project that is to include systematic study
>>>> of SW.
>>>> We keep on studying. Thank you very much for your kind generous help.
>>>> Thank you very much. Best warm regards,
>>>> Fernando
>>>> --
>>>> ---------
>>>>  Val ;-)
>>>> Valerie Sutton
>>>> SignWriting List moderator
>>>> sutton at
>>>> Post Messages to the SignWriting List:
>>>> sw-l at
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>>> --
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