Last questions: Is there a SpeechWriting symbol puddle? Where? What are the languages that have been written down in SpeechWriting? Can we have access to the SpeechWriting symbols used?

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Sun Feb 13 00:04:56 UTC 2011

SignWriting List
February 12, 2011

Hello Fernando and Stefan!

Today Stefan returned home from a week in Poland teaching SignWriting (Gebaerdenschrift) and SpeechWriting (Mundbildschrift) and of course other subjects too, to a school for Deaf children in Poland - and thank you, Stefan, for your wonderful report you just posted to our SW List about this - I am soo looking forward to reading every word!

Meanwhile, Professor Fernando Capovilla, from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, was discussing his research with me here on the SignWriting List today, and I happened to mention Stefan's work with SpeechWriting, and then Fernando got very excited and happy and wants to have permission to refer to your work in his next publication at the University of Sao Paulo, about SpeechWriting and so forth.

Stefan...Fernando asked you a bunch of questions....I cannot answer some of those questions, because they are technical, and some of them we need your permission, Stefan - and also, I am happy to create a SignPuddle just for SpeechWriting for other languages but I will need your help, Stefan, obviously - ha!

So there is much to talk about, and I need to go to an appointment here in California, and meanwhile it is 1:00 am in the morning in Germany - So Fernando and Stefan, I am going to turn my computer off for the day, but tomorrow I will do my best to help you both!

I am giving you both a very hearty THANK YOU for your enthusiasm and joy -

Val ;-)


On Feb 12, 2011, at 2:41 PM, fernando capovilla wrote:

> Hello Valerie,
> Sorry for writing so much. I just want to know how much work has been put into SpeechWriting so far. I mean: I am trying to adapt it to Portuguese, and I realize I need a large amount of additional SpeechWriting symbols before I can go on. I would like to know where can I find them. Even if there is still no IPA indexed SpeechWriting symbol databank ou puddle, in case SpeechWriting has been already used to write down different languages, I may adapt and make good progress. In the meantime, I am trying to learn as much as I can with the little there is available so far.
> In this page:
>Übersicht Mundbilder
> we find a large difference in SpeechWriting symbols of U between:
> Uhr, die
> and
> Uhu, der
> There is an IPA difference, certaily, that might be mapped easily using this table of IPA to German:
> But I am not familiar with the pronunciation. That is why a table IPA-Viseme-Grapheme-SpeechWriting is so important.
> I have come to a halt in a stalemate. I need to find an online German dictionary with IPA transcription before I can go on. I'll look for that.
> Benjamin Franklin in 1779 was the first one to feel the need for the IPA and the first one to devise a system for doing that. In 1886 the linguist and phonetician Paul Eduoard Passy embraced the cause and completed the IPA.
> In 2011, once more, we come to realize those fine men had very good reasons for doing what they did. (grin) We do need IPA as an anchor to begin working on SpeechWriting, that is if SpeechWriting is to develop in the immediate future. If we are to embrace this cause we would need cooperationin that regard. So, my last question before I postpone indefinitely working on that is: Is there a broader, more complete and comprehensive set of SpeechWriting Symbols, in addition to those in:
>Übersicht Mundbilder
> or all those all there is available? That is: Have there been efforts in SpeechWriting idioms other than just German?
> If those efforts have already occurred, then there must be a datank of SpeechWriting symbols that may be used to write down different spoken idioms, such as Portuguese.
> So my 4 last questions are:
> 1) Is there a datank of SpeechWriting symbols developed to be used to write down different spoken languages other than German?
> 2) In case there is, where could we find it?
> 3) What are the languages that have been written down in SpeechWriting?
> 4) Where can we find the SpeechWriting symbols they used to write down those languages?
> In case such a puddle does not exist yet, in case no language other than German has been written down with  SpeechWriting symbols yet, then it would become clear that the IPA-indexed SpeechWriting symbol development enterprise would be the way to follow. But in that case, there would be a long, long road ahead of us.
> Thank you very much.
> Fernando
> 2011/2/12 fernando capovilla <fcapovilla3 at>
> Dear Valerie,
> I tried to go through the pages you ent me but unfortunately the link appears to be broken:
> I clicked in:
> But could not have access to the much desired page: 
> 9
> Mundbildschrift
> Write German Speech
> I could not have access to:
> archive docs2 sw0124 Mundbild Schrift
> All the other links to all the other pages you mentioned are ok. But the one I really needed (SpeechWriting) is off the air right now.  In the meantime I will keep on working in adapting SpeechWriting to Portuguese.
> Do you think people for the linguistic forum might be interested in working on that quest for an IPA-indexed table of correspondences among units of: IPA, Visemes (pics), SpeechWriting, Graphemes?
> Again, thank you so very much.
> Fernando

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