
Charles Butler chazzer3332000 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jan 12 14:41:04 UTC 2011

Sign Mail has a glitch.  SignMail tem errados. Voce nao faltar. 

I know Valerie has this in the list of things to be repaired, but it has to wait 
until the ISWA is fully loaded. 

My work around is to copy the mail, put it into PDF or JPG and send it out by 
email in pieces.  It is slow, but it works.

From: Eda AMORim <edaamorim at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 9:36:28 AM
Subject: Re: SignWriting Handwriting and palm facing

Ola, Valerie, Charles ,Erika, Stefan, e todos da lista, tenho apreciado muito os 
comentários de vocês e aprendido muito. Estou acompanhando as discussões, mas 
apenas desculpe-me por não estar participando ativamente, mais pela dificuldade 
no  inglês, mas superarei isso. No que for possível estarei participando, e se 
for de alguma ajuda estou a disposição.
Por favor, tentei enviar um email em SW pelo site, sign pudle, mas não consegui, 
será que estou fazendo algo errado? 

Eda Amorim
Hello, Valerie, Charles, Erik, Stefan, and everybody's list, I have greatly 
appreciated the comments of you and learned a lot. I am following the 
discussions, but just excuse me for not being actively participating in most of 
the difficulty in English, but get over it. In whatever way possible will be 
attending, and if some help I am available.
Please try to send an email on the SW site, puddle sign, but could not, am I 
doing something wrong?
Eda Amorim

Intérprete/Tradutora e Profa. de Língua Brasileira de Sinais
Especialista em Educação de Surdos

(11) 3416-7888 
(11) 2626-4945
(11) 9168-6761 
contato at

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 20:00:44 -0800
From: sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Subject: Re: SignWriting Handwriting and palm facing

SignWriting List
January 11, 2011

Hello Charles -
Thank you for this message...

On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:31 PM, Charles Butler wrote:

> No I use the slash for palm facing parallel to the floor in my teaching style.  
>In one of the lessons he was using the slash across the palms for palm up and 
>away or down and away (parallel to arrows).  I'm teaching handwriting as well as 
>computer writing.

OH. Are you talking about writing hands with the computer, that are at a 
Diagonal Forward or Back angle? That old symbol used a slash across the 
symbol...that is true. But I took that out of the official writing system in the 
ISWA 2008 and ISWA 2010, because no one was using them, and I know that people 
can construct them if they really want to use them. You can write them by 
computer, by placing a line across symbols and finding the dot too...see 
attached diagram:

As you know, the dot represents the fingers coming towards the body in the back 
diagonal position - I personally do not choose to write the Forward-Diagonal and 
Back-Diagonal hand positions - I think the slash and the slash with the dot were 
too confusing and the symbol is not used enough to warrant having it an official 
symbol in the ISWA 2010 - we can write just fine, with choosing either the 
Parallel to the Floor or Parallel to the Front Wall positions, and then if there 
is a movement that goes Forward-Diagonal or Back-Diagonal, that we have, that 
makes it clear I personally would hesitate to put in so much detail...but 
for research of course, it can be used and it is certainly your choice if you 
feel it is necessary - > > If I were to use the slash as up and out, I'd put it 
at the tip of the hand so I could conceivably write palm up and and out, (slash 
at the tip) and palm up and back (dot on the tip). If you put a dark circle 
above the tip, you squeeze the hand, and in the middle it could be a thumb 
projecting. > > I will make this into a PDF so you see what I mean from my 
lessons. It applies to every hand so that now you can show all those 45 degree 
variants that are sometimes a real challenge to write. I'm still experimenting. 
Wow. That is a great deal of detail. Sounds like you are working very hard, and 
a very interesting project! Thanks for sharing with us, Charles - Val ;-) 
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