NEW: SignWriting Hand Symbols Manual completed! - Comment

Valerie Sutton sutton at SIGNWRITING.ORG
Mon Sep 12 12:32:04 UTC 2011

SignWriting List
September 12, 2011

Hello Charles -
Of course - your example is very similar to the way Cherie wrote the sign for WET or SOFT.... When using the hand symbols in actual signs, the "Finger Direction is Meaningful"... these fingers are directed up in your example....go right ahead and use it as you wrote it here. As you can see in the book, we have some pages devoted to the title "Finger Direction is Meaningful"...for example page 82...see attached - these hands are directed down on page 82, but the same applies to signs that have fingers directed up - We really have no choice but to look at how people write and show the differences in this book, in Chapter 12 in the back...

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