AW: Mouth symbols

Rafaela Silva rsilva16 at MSN.COM
Mon Jun 18 02:24:31 UTC 2012

Hello Stefan,
thanks for respondig.
By your answer I gather that you use 4 differents faces do represent one lip movement, that's right? What I want is just one so I can aply to a sign.

> Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 10:07:18 +0200
> From: stefanwoehrmann at GOOGLEMAIL.COM
> Subject: AW: Mouth symbols
> Hi Rafaela, 
> you probably know that in Germany we use a lot of "Mundbilder" 
> I defined a set of symbols to represent these lip and tongue movements that
> go along with what you can see if a person is speaking (even without sound) 
> I just wrote your two signs
> 1) it is a short "Brumm"  a long "U" could be interpreted differently but in
> general I do not distinguish between long and short vorcals if it is not for
> the purpose of articulation.
> 2) Papa - is easy to understand. 
> Have a great day 
> Stefan
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: SignWriting List: Read and Write Sign Languages
> [mailto:SW-L at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU] Im Auftrag von Rafaela Silva
> Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Juni 2012 23:41
> Betreff: Mouth symbols
> Hello everyone. Hope everthing is well.
> I have 2 doubts/questions and I hope someone can help me!
> 1 - SW have a facial symbol for the expression "bruumm" that we do with the 
> mouth, for example, when we want to imitate or explain the sound of a 
> motorcycle?
> 2 - SW have a symbol that represents the mouth opening and closing 
> consecutively? (As babies do whe they are starting to talk, like
> "papapapapa")
> Thank you.
> Rafaela
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