Font for ISWA 2010

Steve Slevinski slevin at SIGNPUDDLE.NET
Fri Sep 14 20:32:12 UTC 2012

Hi Eduardo,

The ISWA 2010 fonts are only available as a filesystem or database.

In the past, I did try to create a standard type font for the ISWA 2010, 
but I was unsuccessful.  The closest I came was to rename each SVG file 
according to the combined character sequence of proposed Unicode 
characters and try to automatically import the resulting files.

If you want to base the font off of the Unicode Private User Area 
encoding, you can read about it in the Modern SignWriting specification 
( ) or see the 
actual strings in the ISWA 2010 HTML Reference ( ).

For example, the first symbol has a code of 1, an ID of 
01-01-001-01-01-1, a key of S10000, and a Unicode string of U+FD830, 
U+FD810, U+FD820.

In theory, if you renamed the SVG file as: uFD830_uFD810_uFD820.svg, you 
should be able to automatically import this file into a font.  I was 
never able to get this to work properly.

Martin Hoskin attempted to load the renamed files using FontForge. It 
created an 8MB sfd font file.  It is still available from dropbox: . I was never able to get 
this font file to work properly. It also uses a font that was available 
before the SVG refinement was completed by Adam Frost.


PS - Here is the script that Martin used to create the SFD font.


import fontforge, psMat, os

#font ="src/SignPuddle.sfd")
font = fontforge.font()
font.em = 1024
font.createChar(0, ".notdef")
for p, ns, fs in os.walk("svg1") :
     for f in fs :
         if not f.endswith(".svg") : continue
         name = f.replace(".svg", "")
         print name
         char = font.createChar(-1, name)
         char.importOutlines(os.path.join(p, f))
         bb = char.boundingBox()
         char.transform(psMat.compose(psMat.translate(0, -bb[1]), psMat.scale(20)))"src/SignSvg1.sfd")

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