Question mark question

Cherie Wren cwterp at YAHOO.COM
Sat Mar 22 13:37:02 UTC 2014

Except for pause/timing marks  --commas and periods--  I don't use much punctuation.  Questions are shown on the face.  Putting in a question mark would be redundant.  They are necessary in English because the vocal inflection cannot be written.

Is this still for that project that I never did understand?


> From: Jonathan Duncan <duncanjonathan at YAHOO.CA>
>Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:22 AM
>Subject: Question mark question
>Hi all,
>    I was wondering about question marks in Signwriting.
>I found this 
>Any word written in SignWriting has the face, or shoulder bar on top (if necessary) and the handshape(s) around the face or shoulder bar. General movements are below the handshape(s) , but finger movements are indicated by the fingers of the handshape(s) and head movements are indicated by the face symbol . A sign dictionary written in SignWriting looks up lexical items based on the ten groups of handshapes, then on the movements, also broken down into groups, then facial expressions, then head and body positions as demonstrated in Appendix G.
>Two questionable SignWriting practices involve punctuation and the
      writing of fingerspelled words. Punctuation in SignWriting makes
      use of bars. One vertical, slightly thick bar placed after a sign
      indicates a period. Two thin vertical bars indicate a pause or
      comma , and two thin vertical bars slightly further apart indicate
      a longer pause or semi-colon . Two bars next to each other, one
      thin and the other thick indicate a question mark . Two thick bars
      indicate a colon . Parentheses and quotes look similar to the
      punctuation marks used in English. All of the punctuation marks
      used in SignWriting can be the same as those used to write
      English: . , ; ? : ( ).
>There is no reason for SignWriting to adopt unique punctuation
      marks for American Sign Language and it does not take away from
      the writing of SignWriting to use English punctuation marks.
      Furthermore, when a signer fingerspells an English word in ASL,
      SignWriting uses the appropriate handshape symbol to write the
      letters in the English word. This is also possibly a convention
      that could be changed. Writing SignWriting by hand, one would
      probably write the fingerspelled word in English letters instead
      of writing the handshapes for each of the letters...*Footnote 15...
>It describes a question mark as "Two bars next to each other, one
    thin and the other thick indicate a question mark" but that
    description fits the Semi-Colon.  And in the example above it there
    seems to the semi-colon symbol after the questions.
>So is the symbol for the semi-colon the same as the question mark?
>email: duncanjonathan at
>         joyoduncan at
>Cel Honduras: (504)3141-1171
>Tel USA: (347)875-8442 
>Skype: yojoduncan
>SignWriter Studio
>Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at 
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