[Sw-l] SWSignWriter

Valerie Sutton 0000001342802f5f-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU
Thu May 14 15:47:35 EDT 2020

SignWriting List
May 14, 2020

SWSignWriter App (SWSW)



1. Go to: https://swsignwriter.jonathanduncan.pro <https://swsignwriter.jonathanduncan.pro/>

2. Say Agree

3. Push Upload Button

4. Then Scroll Down

5. Push "Add to Home Screen"

6. You will see an icon for SWSW.
Press the "Add" button at the top of the page to add the icon to your iPhone desktop.



1. Find the new SWSW icon on your desktop and click on it.

2. A Login screen will appear. Setup your Login with Facebook or Google or Instagram or create your own ID and Password. Then Login.

3. Push the "Continue with free trial" button.

4. Push the "Install Signs from SignLanguage Puddle" and choose the ASL dictionary or other dictionaries. Then wait a few minutes to be sure it got installed.

5. Push the "Next" button at the bottom right of screen.

6. Place a cursor with your finger at the top of the screen where it says "Enter sentence"...

7. Type one word in English, like "Hello". You may be given several English choices. Choose one.

8. The sign for "hello" appears below, with a little number next to it, like the number 17. Click on the number, and it will show you 17 different variations of the sign for "hello". Choose the one you want, and say Accept. That gives you your first sign in your sentence.

9. Continue to create your sentence sign by sign in this fashion,

10. When your sentence is done, click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen. The sentence has its own window now, and you can make it taller or shorter in height.

11. Press the Share Button at the bottom of the screen. A new screen should appear which has two choices:

"Open Share Social Media"

"Open Share Email"

Click on one of those.

12. The sentence in SignWriting now shows up on its own screen. Push the Upload Button at the bottom of the screen.

13. IMPORTANT: Click on PNG Image "Options" button. 

14. CHANGE FROM AUTOMATIC TO IMAGE. Be sure there is a check mark next to the word "Image". Click Done.

15. Now choose where you want to send it. Scroll down for many choices. Or Scroll to the Right for Facebook.

16. If you choose Facebook, choose your News Feed or Your Story. Click Post.

*NOTE: Number 13-14 has to be done EVERY time you post, because the iPhone defaults to Automatic and Automatic cannot be used. You will have to tell the iPhone to send an "image" every time you write a new sentence.


> On May 14, 2020, at 12:15 PM, Valerie Sutton <0000001342802f5f-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU> wrote:
> SignWriting List
> May 14, 2020
> Hello SignWriting List, and Jonathan!
> THANK YOU, Jonathan, for your hard work on developing this new SWSW App for the iPhone, Android and computer!
> This is an amazing App. It accesses SignPuddle2 dictionaries, to give us full sentences written in any sign language that has a dictionary in SignPuddle 2. It gives you choices for different signs from your dictionary, and places the signs in vertical columns for creating sentences. You can choose Center Lane, Right Lane and Left Lane, and when you are done with your sentence, you can push the Share Button to share your sentence on Social Media sites and also in email.
> I am using it on my iPhone now, and with instructions I believe you can too, if you have an iPhone. I will send the instructions for iPhone next message. There are a few important steps to be able to share on the iPhone.
> I am still testing it on my Android phone, but I assume it works there too and I will write instructions for the Android later.
> It also works directly on my Mac Computer, although I am still researching some options needed on my computer.
> So this is a test version - but it is wonderful if some of you are interested in helping... See next message for instructions for iPhone users -
> Thank you again, Jonathan, for the SW SignWriter App, which I like to call the SWSW App, and thank you, Steve, for SignPuddle 2 dictionaries!
> Val ;-)
> ------------
>> On May 14, 2020, at 11:38 AM, Jonathan Duncan <00000002a18e4451-dmarc-request at LISTSERV.VALENCIACOLLEGE.EDU> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>>    I have just released SWSignWriter for Writing SignWriting https://swsignwriter.jonathanduncan.pro/ on mobile devices and web browsers.  It can be installed as an app and mostly works offline too.
>> It's the first version and has a 15 day free trial.
>> It uses the SignPuddle 2.0 sign puddles http://signbank.org/signpuddle/ so if you want to add more signs add them there and reimport the puddle.
>> Let me know what new features you want and what things could make things simpler for you.
>> Thanks
>> Acabei de lançar o SWSignWriter para escrever o SignWriting https://swsignwriter.jonathanduncan.pro/ em dispositivos móveis e navegadores da web. Ele pode ser instalado como um aplicativo e também pode ser executado offline.
>> É a primeira versão e tem uma avaliação gratuita de 15 dias.
>> Use as puddle de sinalização SignPuddle 2.0 http://signbank.org/signpuddle/, portanto, se você quiser adicionar mais sinais, adicione-os lá e importe-os novamente.
>> Deixe-me saber quais novos recursos você deseja e o que poderia simplificar as coisas para você.
>> Obrigada
>> Acabo de lanzar SWSignWriter para escribir SignWriting https://swsignwriter.jonathanduncan.pro/ en dispositivos móviles y navegadores web. Se puede instalar como una aplicación y también puede funcionar fuera de línea.
>> Es la primera versión y tiene una prueba gratuita de 15 días.
>> Utiliza los puddles de signos SignPuddle 2.0 http://signbank.org/signpuddle/, por lo que si desea agregar más señas, agréguelos allí y vuelva a importar el puddle.
>> Déjame saber qué nuevas características quieren y qué le podriá simplificarle las cosas.
>> Gracias
>> Jonathan



Valerie Sutton
SignWriting List moderator
sutton at signwriting.org

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