[Sw-l] SignTube Program for SW captions on videos

Valerie Sutton sutton at signwriting.org
Sun Jul 9 18:36:26 UTC 2023

SignWriting List
July 9, 2023

Thank you, Amit Moryossef, for SignTube and the Tutorial!



SignTube Tutorial https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RYW4pS0yo5CKD5Pan7SOna_Y8yb7GvBv5MC35eDXwZQ/edit?usp=sharing


Val ;-)

Valerie Sutton
sutton at signwriting.org

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> On Jun 11, 2023, at 5:46 AM, Amit Moryossef <amitmoryossef at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I made a tutorial here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RYW4pS0yo5CKD5Pan7SOna_Y8yb7GvBv5MC35eDXwZQ/edit?usp=sharing
> This is a work in progress - please feel free to live comments on the tutorial doc or email me with changes you want to see.
> I hope this is useful for you!
> Amit
> On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 4:24 AM Jonathan Duncan <joyoduncan at gmail.com <mailto:joyoduncan at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Amit, 
>>     If I had an application to produce SignWriting text but didn't have the start and stop time for each sign, what would be the best way to pass it to your program so that they could be added?
>> Something like this? see attached.
>> Or should it have temporary time place holders to be replaced with the real ones?
>> Jonathan
>> On 5/26/2023 5:53 AM, Amit Moryossef wrote:
>>> Some of you might already be familiar with this video by Adam Frost.
>>> I saw the transcription on SignPuddle, so I decided to align the video with the SignWriting transcription.
>>> Video with transcription: 
>>> https://youtu.be/Fr4R5Rs14AM
>>> (The video quality is poor since the original video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtl7dmyHgJU>'s quality is poor.)
>>> To those unfamiliar with my work, I attempt to automate this process - for every video, I would like to automatically generate SignWriting, and translate it into a spoken language. This video was manual, and the dream is to completely automate this process.
>>> Original content:
>>> Why SignWriting (part 1) <https://www.signbank.org/SignPuddle1.6/searchword.php?ui=1&sgn=5&sid=352&sTrm=Why&type=any&sTxt=&sSrc=&>
>>> Why SignWriting (part 2) <https://www.signbank.org/SignPuddle1.6/searchword.php?ui=1&sgn=5&sid=353&sTrm=Why&type=any&sTxt=&sSrc=&>
>>> Modifications:
>>> There's a sign for "system" missing in the original transcription. I added it.
>>> Thanks to Adam for recording this video, and to Steve for teaching me how to convert old SignWriting formats (BSW3) to FSW.
>>> Additional information: 
>>> The interface is my own. If there would be interest from people to manually transcribe videos, and show the SignWriting on screen, I could make a tutorial.
>>> I attached the VTT captions file if anyone is interested in it.
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