[Sw-l] Revisiting Mundbildschrift

Valerie Sutton sutton at signwriting.org
Wed Jun 26 22:16:56 UTC 2024

SignWriting List
June 26, 2024

Hello Amit,
Thank you for this important interest in Mundbildschrift.

And thank you, Stefan Woehrmann, for giving Mundbildschrift to the world. I used to call it “SpeechWriting” in English, but others called it LipWriting or Mouth Writing ;-)

No matter what it was called, it is very innovative and successful.

Regarding documents, there are other publications on Mundbildschrift at later dates after 2010, in books as well as the internet. I will try to provide you with some links. It started to spread in Brazil too, so it is not only Germany.

For example, here are some published in 2014, at the SignWriting Symposium 2014:







This one is dated 2014

All of the symbols in Mundbildschrift originally were based on the symbols in Sutton SignWriting, but then they were somewhat exagerated or stylized to look a little different but very close to the original…

For a sample, look at the attached screen capture from SWU - these are SignWriting symbols for Air - they look slightly different, but very close to the ones used in Mundbildschrift

And they are not arm lines!

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> On Jun 26, 2024, at 8:29 AM, Amit Moryossef <amitmoryossef at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been interested in writing mouthing using SignWriting, and encountered Mundbildschrift,
> with the latest documentation being here from 2010.
> I modernized that document, collecting all the samples, correcting IPA when needed, and re-writing the SignWriting in FSW instead of using images.
> https://github.com/sign-language-processing/signwriting/tree/main/signwriting/mouthing 
> However, as you can see, I am missing many writings, specifically ones that are not easily available, for example:
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> Therefore, I would appreciate any help to modernize this, by sending me any of the missing writing from the table or discussing alternatives. In my opinion, the writing should be efficient - I could write the last image above (with a plosive) using 6 different arms, but that seems like a waste.
> Looking forward to seeing your suggestions!
> Amit
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