Culture Festival in Udmurtia

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at
Mon Nov 19 10:31:12 UTC 2001

Dear Uralists,

forwarded (from the ugrimugri list, re-sent by E-J Salminen
<e-j.salminen at> and stripped of HTML encodings; with the usual
apologies for cross-postings), -

news from the Ethnofuturistic front ;-)


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
Institut für Finno-Ugristik der Universität Wien
Universitätscampus, Spitalg. 2-4 Hof 7, A-1090 Wien
Tel. +43 1 4277 43009 | Fax +43 1 4277 9430
johanna.laakso at |


ODOMAA Unofficial creative group=20



International ethnofuturistic festival

May, 23-27, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia

Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to IDNA festival, named after the glorious =
hero of the Udmurt. The festival is devoted to Finno-Ugric peoples =
finding their national heroes. The event is organized by ODOMAA creative =
group with the assistance of Open Society Institute, Ministry for Ethnic =
Policy of Udmurt Republic, Ministry of Culture of Udmurt Republic, =
Udmurt Republic State Youth Policy Committee, UDMURT KENESH All-Udmurt =
Association, Russian Academy of Science Ural department Institute of =
Udmurt language, literature and culture, GALLERY municipal exhibition =
center, Udmurt National Museum or Regional studies, SHUNDY Udmurt public =
youth organization, ERIC Izhevsk public youth political organization, =
UDMURTIA publishing house, INVOZHO youth magazine, VMESTE Udmurt =
national culture societies association, Udmurt Republic Artists =

Among the participant of the festival are young creative people from =
Udmurt Republic, Tchuvash republic, Mariy-El, Mordovia, =
Khannty-Mansiysky autonomous district, Udmurt minorities of Tatarstan, =
Bashkortostan, as well as from Estonia, Finland, Hungary,. The =
approximate number of the participants is 50 people. The festival is due =
May, 23-23, 2002. The festival site are Izhevsk museums and villages of =
Igrinsky, Uvinsky, Glazovsky districts of Udmurt Republic.

The official languages of the festival are Udmurt, Russian, English.

Applications for participation in the festival should be by March, 2002. =
Send your aplications to:

Ministry for Ethnic Policy of Udmurt Republic

1,Sovetskaya str., Izhevsk, Russia.

Or fax to: (3412) 78-20-30 For Larisa Buranova.

All travel expenses are covered by participants. All local travel, =
accommodation and other expenses are covered by the receiving party.

For any other information contact YURI  LOBANOV at:

(3412) 78-69-93 at 8.30-12.00, 13.00-17.30

(3412) 58-73-17 at 20.00-22.00.

The time mentioned is local, add 1 hour to Moscow time.

e-mail: kuchiran at

The festival schedule



10.00-12.00 -Guests pick-up 14.30-15.00 -Lunch 16.00-17.00 -Opening of =
M.Garipov exhibition <The fairy-tale world of Komi people> at GALLERY =
municipal exhibition center. Komi republic delegation performance =
17.30-18.30 - Dinner 19.00-22.00 -Visiting a painter's workshop. =
Ethnofuturistic reading at INVOZHO youth magazine editorial office with =
Dr.V.Shibanov of Udmurt State University and P.Zakharov, editor. =



8.00-9.00 -Breakfast 9.30-14.00 -Boat ride around Izhevsk lake. Onboard =
opening of <We are Red-haired> event 14.30-15.00 - Lunch 15.30-17.00 =
-<Weaved of dreams and memories> mono-play by Olga Alexandrova at the =
Puppet theatre. 17.30-18.30 -Opening of International ethnofuturistic =
art exhibition at GALLERY municipal exhibition center. Various =
ethnofuturistic art performances, ethnic fashion shows by local =
avant-garde designers, folk dance, singing and musical performance by =
amateur groups from various districts of Udmurt republic=20



8.00-9.00 - Breakfast. Visiting the village of Uzei-Tooklya. Opening of =
the wood park sculpture museum. VITAL POWER performance 12.00-13.00 - =
Lunch. Visiting the village of Sep 15.00-24.00 - Opening of the festival =
in the village of Sep. Includes a great number of cultural and =
ethnofuturistic events, such as poetic readings, Udmurt traditional =
fabric dolls exhibition, dance and singing performances. Lunch and =



8.00-9.00 -breakfast in a village

10.00-12.00 -visiting Idnakar, the site of an ancient settlement, BATYR =
HONOURS performance. Lunch in the town of Glazov

13.30 -departure to Izhevsk

16.00-17.00 -ARCHAEOPTERIX Group performance at ARTPROMHALL gallery

17.00-19.00 - Izhevsk sightseeing tour=20

20.00 -farewell dinner

May, 27.=20


8.00-9.00 -breakfast. Sightseeing. Departures

Note: Two weeks before the festival a group of 10 best wood carvers from =
all districts of Udmurt Republic is selected to start 10 large park =
sculptures in the village of Uzei-Tooklya. One of the sculptures is to =
be delivered to Izhevsk a week before the festival to be displayed at =
GALLERY municipal exhibition center. The sculpture then gets painted by =
S.Orlov to be ready for the festival opening. The sculpture is intended =
to become the center of the exhibition composition.

The festival objectives:

Promotion of youth creative self-expression=20

Introducing Finno-Ugric cultural values to youth

Development and promotion of new ethnofuturistic tendencies in national =
traditional cultures among youth

Establishing creative links among youth stepping into The Dawn Age

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