FW: Humanities Spring 2009 I: From Learned Societies toKnowledge-Based Society - Call for Applications now open

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at
Mon Dec 15 14:35:05 UTC 2008

Dear Uralists,

the following call is not specifically Uralistic, but it could mean an
opportunity for networking for early-career researchers of Uralic languages
and, at the same time, visibility and publicity for our discipline as a
whole ;-) ...


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Abteilung für Finno-Ugristik
Universitätscampus AAKH, Spitalgasse 2-4 Hof 7, A-1090 Wien
Tel. +43 1 4277 43019 | Fax +43 1 4277 9430
johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at | http://homepage.univie.ac.at/Johanna.Laakso/

------ Weitergeleitete Nachricht

----- Forwarded message from HumSpring at esf.org -----
     Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 15:14:13 +0100
     From: HumSpring <HumSpring at esf.org>
  Subject: Humanities Spring 2009 I: From Learned Societies to
Knowledge-Based Society - Call for Applications now open
       To: humanities-list <humanities-list at esf.org>

For wide dissemination among early career researchers

Dear colleagues,

The European Science Foundation (ESF) is committed to creating Fora
for early career scholars to develop their visions for the European
Research Area.
We have developed in particular the format of the "Humanities Spring"
workshops, aimed at producing short policy documents authored by the
best early career scholars after 3-day debates on identified issues.

This year, one of the selected themes is:

Humanities Spring 2009 I: "From Learned Societies to Knowledge-Based
Society: Towards a European Young Academy?"

Deadline for submission of applications: 15 January 2009

We are writing with a request to publish / circulate widely the
attached Call for the ESF-sponsored event, which invites for a
Europe-wide selection of young scholars of all disciplines.

Please do not hesitate to get back to me directly
HumSpring1 at esf.org<mailto:HumSpring1 at esf.org> with any questions you
may have.

Best regards
Irma Vogel

Irma Vogel
Senior Administrator & Unit Coordinator
Standing Committee for the Humanities

European Science Foundation
Humanities Unit
1 quai Lezay Marnésia
BP 90015
F - 67080 Strasbourg

Web: http://www.esf.org/human

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