Fwd: [Kitu] Call for applications: Research coordinator

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at
Mon Oct 10 06:11:40 UTC 2011

Sorry for cross-postings – this job announcement looks very interesting!
Univ.Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
Universität Wien, Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (EVSL)
Abteilung Finno-Ugristik
Campus AAKH Spitalgasse 2-4 Hof 7
A-1090 Wien
johanna.laakso at univie.ac.athttp://homepage.univie.ac.at/Johanna.Laakso/
Project ELDIA: http://www.eldia-project.org/ 

Välitetty viesti alkaa:

> Lähettäjä: Mackay Helena <helena.mackay at jyu.fi>
> Päiväys: 10. lokakuuta 2011 8.04.20 UTC+2.00
> Vastaanottaja: "kitu at lists.jyu.fi" <kitu at lists.jyu.fi>
> Aihe: [Kitu] Call for applications: Research coordinator
> Research coordinator, based on a contract of employment to be filled as of January 1, 2012, in effect until further notice
> The position is located at the Centre for Applied Language Studies (CALS). It is the only research institute in its field in Finland.  In line with its research strategy, work conducted in CALS focuses on the objectives, practices and policies of language education from the perspectives of language assessment, language learning and literacy practices, and language education policies. CALS also has national duties in the areas of second/foreign language assessment and language education policies. The key element in how CALS carries out its research activities is networking: CALS has widespread and well-functioning national and international networks of researchers, policy-makers and other stakeholders in language education.
> The duties of the research coordinator centre around the Finnish National Certificates examination system. The National Certificates is a language proficiency examination in second and foreign languages; it can be taken by any adult irrespective of how and where they have acquired their language proficiency. The examination is available in nine languages and at three examination levels. It is based on specific legislation and statutes about language examinations. For more information see
> http://www.oph.fi/koulutus_ja_tutkinnot/kielitutkinnot/yleiset_kielitutkinnot and
> http://www.oph.fi/english/mobility/testing_language_skills
> The main duty of the research coordinator is to be in charge of the activities of the National Certificates and for its research-based further development in accordance and with reference to the core areas in the research strategy of CALS.
> The position offers an excellent vantage point for the field of language assessment, a motivated and professional team, and an active community of experts at CALS. In addition, it provides an opportunity for new openings in the multidisciplinary field of language assessment in cooperation with researchers in CALS and elsewhere.
> The applicant for the position is required to have a doctoral degree in an applicable field. Previous experience in research work will help in carrying out the duties successfully. The ability to conduct development and research work independently is required.
> The position is in the field of language assessment and language learning, and the applicant is expected to have a good knowledge of these areas. Because the research coordinator will be responsible for the projects aiming at developing the National Certificates, previous experience of the applicant in directing, planning and starting projects will be considered an advantage. The work entails maintaining close contacts with different stakeholders such as the National Board of Education, different research and educational communities, other language testing systems, and international bodies. Therefore, the coordinator should have good social and presentation skills as well as ability to communicate with different actors in the field.
> According to Section 1 of the Government Decree on Universities (770/2009), which defines the language proficiency requirements for university teaching and research positions in Finland, full command of Finnish is required. When considered appropriate, the university can grant exemption from this requirement. Also good skills in English and Swedish are needed in the position. Further language skills are considered an advantage.
> According to § 67 of the University of Jyväskylä Regulations, members of the teaching and research staff are obliged, within their respective job descriptions and work plan, to conduct and supervise scientific research, follow the developments in their respective disciplines, examine theses and dissertations, teach and enhance teaching practices, provide study counseling, carry out relevant examinations, take part in the student selection process, as well as attend to tasks ensuing from memberships in the administrative bodies of the University and to other tasks counted as part of their work or assigned to them. In addition, they are to provide the necessary reports concerning their teaching and supervising activities, publications and scientific activity in general, and the examinations belonging to their sphere of responsibilities.
> The job-specific salary component of the research coordinator is based on the job demands levels 5 – 6 (2714,54 €/month – 3183,06 €/month ) according to the salary system concerning teaching and research staff at universities. In addition, a personal performance-based salary component amounting to the maximum of 46,3% of the job-specific salary component is also paid.
> Application procedure
> Written applications for the post shall be addressed to the University of Jyväskylä and delivered to the University Registry Office, Seminaarinkatu 15, or mailed to the following address:
> University of Jyväskylä
> P.O. Box 35
> FIN-40014 University of Jyväskylä
> Finland
> The closing date for the applications is 31 October 2011 at 16.15. Applications will not be returned to the applicant.
> The application shall include:
> 1.      A copy of the CV and possible copies of diplomas
> 2.      An account of the applicant’s research merits and activities
> 3.      A research and development plan showing how the applicant seeks to develop the area of language assessment and language learning
> Additional Information
> For additional information, please contact Researcher Ari Huhta, tel. +358 40 8053014, ari.huhta at jyu.fi or  Director of the Centre for Applied Language Studies Tarja Nikula, tel. +358 40 5565877, tarja.nikula at jyu.fi
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