[Ura-list] CIFU 14, 2nd Circular

Gerson Stefan Klumpp gerson.klumpp at ut.ee
Fri May 10 14:46:22 UTC 2024

Dear Uralists,

please find a 2nd Circular for CIFU 14, 2025 in Tartu, on the homepage of the Congress https://cifu14.ut.ee/2nd-circular/. The circular includes the Call for Abstracts to symposia, general and poster session. There are nineteen symposia in four different categories: A. Discipline-related approaches; B. Linguistics; C. Ethnology, religion, and folklore; and D. History, prehistory, and archaeology. The symposia descriptions are available at https://cifu14.ut.ee/programme/symposia/. Guidelines for abstract submission are spelled out in the circular. The deadline for abstract submission is September 30th 2024. Notification of review results are expected by 1st of December 2024.

Please fell free to distribute this letter.

Looking forward to your particiation,
Gerson Klumpp and Marili Tomingas

Gerson Klumpp

Soome-ugri keelte professor/Professor of Finno-Ugric Studies

Eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut/Institut of Estonian and General Linguistics

Tartu Ülikool/University of Tartu

Jakobi 2-415

EE-51005 Tartu

Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages (EFUL)

Linguistica Uralica


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