Historical Linguistics [ Magars, Magyars, Mugars, Moghuls, Moghols, and Mogollon]

B. K. Rana bk_rana at YAHOO.COM
Fri Apr 22 15:54:06 UTC 2005

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
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Dear Andrew Shimunek,

Of course,  historical linguistics will help.  Prof. Suniti Kumar Chatterji in “Kirata Jana Kriti: The Indo Mongoloids, Their Contribution to The History and Culture of India” [1951] has written that  in around 2000 AD the Kunindashs, the mountain people of  East Punjab spoke TB languages and contributed to develop Sanskrit language.

Let me compare few Sanskrit words with some other Himalayan languages.

   Water is ‘di’ in central Magar language, ‘ti’ in Shauka or Byangsi and ‘ri’ in Kham Magar language. These ‘di’,  ‘ti’ and ‘ri’ are phonetically similar. The central Magar ‘di’ is  prefixed into Sanskrit ‘na+di’ > river.  According to M. S. Thapa Magar ‘nar or ngr’ means  ‘spring’ in Magar Language. Hence ‘nar+di’ > na+di > river.

   The river names:  Bhagi+ra+thi, Goma+ti in Uttar Pradesh, India; Bagma+ti, Ikshuma+ti  Indrawa+ti in Kathmandu;  Rawa+ti>Rap+ti, Ravi in Punjab India, etc are Sanskritized version.

    In Kham Magar language ‘kur’ means ‘spring’. There are some rivers ‘Bhing+ri’, Khung+ri’ in Kham Magar language speaking area.

   Water in Kusunda is ‘tang’. In Kusunda ‘suta’ is ‘rope’ . In Magar language it is ‘sutri’ and in Sanskrit ‘shutra’

   Sanskrit ‘ma’ for mother is ‘mai’ in Kusunda. The other ‘mahi’ is for buffalo in both Sanskrit and Kusunda. Kusnuda ‘ajaki’ [goat], Sanskrit ‘aja’[goat] and Chepang ‘mija’[goat] are interestingly similar.

   House in Central Magar is im’  in Limbu ‘jhim’ and in Sanskrit ‘griham’.

   Nga di gale [East & Central Magar] > I drink water
   Nga ri ngawoje [Kham Magar] > I drink water
   Chi kadi gaman [ Kusunda] > I eat rice.
   Nga kang jyonga [Kham Magar] > I eat rice
   Nga chho jyale [ East&Central Magar] > I eat rice.
   Nu kadi naman [Kusunda] > You eat rice
   Nang kang jyona [Kham Magar] > You eat rice.

Thank you,


Andrew Shimunek <shenanzhu at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
Some people also like to throw in the Mogollon people
of the southwestern US; but anyone who knows the basic
underlyings of historical linguistics knows this
proposal is ill-advised, as the connection would have
to be 20,000 years or more back in time, and
reconstruction methods are only valid back 5,000 years
or so, or at most, 10,000 years (and this is _really_
stretching it).

Andrew Shimunek

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