Spring 2008 Hindi position at Chicago

E. Bashir ebashir at YAHOO.COM
Tue Nov 6 19:04:16 UTC 2007

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
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          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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The Department of South Asian Languages and
Civilizations, University of Chicago, invites
applications for the position of Lecturer for the
Spring 2008 quarter.  The successful applicant will
teach one course of Advanced Hindi. A degree of M.A.
is required in order to be considered, and applicants
with prior experience teaching Hindi language and
literature are preferred.  Salary is $3500 with no
Applications (cover letter, c.v., and two letters of
support) will be reviewed beginning Jan 1, 2008. They
should be sent to:                         
                       Steven Collins, Chair          
Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations 
University of Chicago                                 
Foster Hall                                           
1130 E. 59th Street                                   
Chicago IL 60637-1543                                 
773-702-9131 (8373 Dept. office)                      
fax: 773-834-3254                                     
s-collins at uchicago.edu

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