World Wide Words -- 26 Mar 11

Michael Quinion wordseditor at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Fri Mar 25 17:24:31 UTC 2011

WORLD WIDE WORDS          ISSUE 729          Saturday 26 March 2011
Editor: Michael Quinion             US advisory editor: Julane Marx
Website:               ISSN 1470-1448
      A formatted version of this e-magazine is available 
      online at

     This e-magazine is best viewed in a fixed-pitch font.
   For a key to phonetic symbols, see

1. Feedback, notes and comments.
2. Weird Words: Lustrum.
3. Wordface.
4. Turns of Phrase: Clicktivism.
5. Sic!
A. Subscription information.
B. E-mail contact addresses.
C. Ways to support World Wide Words.

1. Feedback, notes and comments
SORRY, SCHMORRY  Thanks to everybody for your good wishes for my 
recovery from my recent illness. Many readers took me to task for 
apologising last week for deficiencies in the mailing because I had 
been unwell. They felt I had no need to. So I apologise for having 
inappropriately apologised. However, I do regret (without seeming 
to apologise) having been unable to answer much of my huge backlog 
of mail dating back two weeks.

2. Weird Words: Lustrum
My guess is that more people have met this word as the title of the 
Robert Harris bestseller about politics in ancient Rome than have 
encountered it in real life. It came to mind when looking through 
the 32-page monster of a census form that recently arrived in my 
letterbox (27 March is enumeration day for the 2011 UK census).

In English, a lustrum is a rather rare literary word that means a 
period of five years, a quinquennium.

    What is very remarkable, a comparison of different 
    editions will show, that the fundamental doctrines of a 
    whole "Series of Grammars, English, Latin, and Greek," 
    may so change in a single lustrum, as to rest upon 
    authorities altogether different. 
    [The Grammar of English Grammars, by Goold Brown, 

Robert Harris gave his book that title because it covers the five 
years following 63 BC.

There's a link between a five-year period and a census because in 
classical Rome the population was counted not every 10 years as is 
conventional in modern nations, but every five years. The census 
was carried out by two magistrates called censors, as part of a 
valuation of the property of Romans for tax purposes - taxes which 
the censors were responsible for collecting. When the enumeration 
was over, one of the censors held a ceremony called a lustratio or 
lustrum in the Campus Martius at which a pig, a sheep and an ox 
were sacrificed in the presence of the people. "Lustrum" came to 
mean by extension both the ceremony and the period of time between 
two censuses.

Dictionaries don't agree about the source of "lustrum". Some argue 
it comes from "luere", to wash, because the ceremony originally 
involved ritual cleansing; others say it's from "lustrare", to 
purify or brighten, which would make "lustrum" a close relative of 
"lustre" and some other English words. Others warily include 
variations on "ultimate origin unknown".

"Censor", by the way, has its modern English meaning because the 
magistrates who conducted the census and collected taxes were also 
responsible for maintaining public morals. Busy men.

3. Wordface
MAKE, PUT, RUN  A regular quarterly update to the OED came out on 
Thursday, which brings the revision to the end of the letter R. One 
entry has again broken the record for the largest. In the Second 
Edition of 1989, "set" was the largest, requiring 60,000 words to 
describe 430 senses. As entries began to be revised for the Third 
Edition, the longest entry progressively became that for "make" in 
2000 and then "put" in 2007. Now "run" has easily taken the title, 
with the verb by itself containing 645 senses and the whole entry 
running to some 124,000 words. There's no doubt that when the OED's 
lexicographers again conquer the mountain of "set" that that entry 
will again be the largest.

SEEING FURTHER?  The Guardian on Wednesday noted that the lexicon 
of politics in Britain has added a new term. It quoted one of its 
own reports from the day before: "Senior cabinet ministers admitted 
'the emotional optics' of cruise missiles raining down, backed by 
coalition military briefings, had unwelcome echoes of Iraq" and one 
from the London Daily Star: "US President Barack Obama temporized 
for weeks, worrying about the optics of waging war in another Arab 
state after the Iraq fiasco". "Optics" is political shorthand for 
the public perception of some situation. It isn't new. Ben Zimmer 
commented in his On Language column in the New York Times in March 
2010 that he had found it in The Wall Street Journal on 31 May 1978 
in a quote from Robert Strauss, Jimmy Carter's special counsellor 
on inflation, but that its early heartland had been Canada, not the 
US. Bilingual Canadians know "optique", which in French can refer 
to optics but can also mean "perspective, point of view". Its 
English translation became established as part of the political 
jargon of that country, was taken over by its US counterparts and 
has now reached the UK.

THE WINNER  Yesterday, 25 March, The Bookseller magazine announced 
the winner of the Diagram Prize for Oddest Book Title of the Year  
(see the issue of 19 February for the 
shortlist): Managing a Dental Practice the Genghis Khan Way by 
Michael R Young. Horace Bent, The Bookseller's custodian of the 
Diagram Prize said: "In the end, it wasn't even close. Much like 
the tyrant himself, Managing a Dental Practice the Genghis Khan Way 
ruthlessly slaughtered the opposition, and scored twice as many 
votes as the runner-up, 8th International Friction Stir Welding 
Symposium Proceedings."

4. Turns of Phrase: Clicktivism
The tumultuous events in countries such as Tunisia and Egypt in 
2011 have been called Twitter revolutions or Facebook revolutions, 
though the role of these social networks in shaping political 
events in these countries has been disputed.

Commentators have taken the same view about other online protests, 
arguing that adding your name to an electronic petition or sending 
out a tweet in support of some cause is an effortless activity that 
makes you feel good without achieving anything useful. This view 
was forcefully put forward in October 2010 by Malcolm Gladwell in 
an article in the New Yorker, "Why the revolution will not be 

Though "clicktivism" has been appearing as a derogatory collective 
term for such purely symbolic actions, oddly it began life several 
years ago as a positive term for the online support of good causes 
and has only recently flipped sense.

Newspaper articles particularly refer to "clicktivism" in order to 
compare it unfavourably with groups that employ networking sites to 
take disciplined and strategic action. One notable example is UK 
Uncut, which carries out peaceful high-street protests, such as 
occupations of bank branches in protest against bankers' bonuses.

    "Clicktivism" has become the common, derogatory catch-
    all for online protest. But it's not always a fair one. 
    Allying yourself to a cause online may be easy, but 
    that's not to say it accomplishes nothing.
    [The Independent, 1 Feb. 2011.]
    The latest clicktivists are smart, media-savvy, highly 
    engaged with social media, accessible, usually only 
    loosely organised, and well aware of the pitfalls of 
    [Evening Standard, 17 Jan. 2011.]

6. Sic!
An unfortunate inversion of events has occurred, according to The 
Independent of 20 March, Hazel Parry notes: "A British tourist who 
has been missing for five days in Hong Kong is suspected to have 
been murdered after being found dead, police said Sunday."

Helen Cushion at first thought the story on the BBC Sport website 
referred to a miscarriage of justice: "Jordan banned after Gattuso 
spat" but it turned out that the Tottenham Hotspur's first-team 
coach Joe Jordan had been banned for having an argument with AC 
Milan's Gennaro Gattuso.

CNN's health section on 22 March, reports Ari Sigal, advised its 
readers that "Exercising or having sex roughly triples a person's 
risk of heart attack in the hours immediately afterward." Rough 
exercise, the curse of the sedentary classes.

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B. E-mail contact addresses
* Comments on e-magazine mailings are always welcome. They should 
  be sent to me at wordseditor at . I do try to 
  respond, but pressures of time often prevent me from doing so. 
* Items for "Sic!" should go to wordsclangers at .
  Submissions will not usually be acknowledged.
* Questions intended to be answered in the Q and A section should 
  be addressed to wordsquestions at (please don't 
  use this address to respond to published answers to questions - 
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* Problems with subscriptions that cannot be handled by the list 
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C. Ways to support World Wide Words
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