World Wide Words -- 04 May 13

Michael Quinion wordseditor at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Thu May 2 22:02:00 UTC 2013

WORLD WIDE WORDS            ISSUE 830            Saturday 4 May 2013
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1. Feedback, Notes and Comments.
2. Hoyden.
3. Theranostics.
4. Piggy bank.
5. Sic!
6. Subscriptions and other information.

1. Feedback, Notes and Comments
CAREER VERSUS CAREEN  David Coe asked if there might be a lexical 
link between these words and "carom". This is connected with games 
such as billiards (British readers will know the shot as a cannon). 
It is from "carambole", which derives from the Spanish "carambola". 
"Carambole" was assumed by English speakers to be "carom ball" and 
shortened. So the words have independent ancestry.

Malcolm Kronby noted that in the song I'm Still Here, from Follies 
by Stephen Sondheim, the line appears, "Then you career from career 
to career." Martin Turner remembers a story told by the British 
comedian Tommy Cooper: "I was driving along, and my boss rang up, 
and he said 'You've been promoted.' And I swerved. And then he rang 
up a second time and said 'You've been promoted again.' And I 
swerved again. He rang up a third time and said 'You're managing 
director.' And I went into a tree. And a policeman came up and said 
'What happened to you?' And I said 'I careered off the road.'"

UMPTY-FLUMPH  This appeared in a piece last week. I was sure it was 
a slang term from my youth for an indefinite large number, a term 
that my wife remembers as "umpity-flumph". Readers queried it, so I 
looked it up. It wasn't in any of the reference works I consulted 
but "umpty-flump" does appear online a number of times in the sense 
I used, so my memory wasn't at fault. Both forms must surely be 
variations on the fairly common US "umpty-umph" or "umpty-ump", 
which date back rather more than a century and which developed 
around the time of the First World War into "umpteen". "Umpty" has 
also for many years appeared in words such as "umpty-eleven" or 

The OED says that "umpty" is a "fanciful representation of the dash 
in Morse code", basing this on "iddy-umpty", a military term of the 
early twentieth century for a dot followed by a dash. However, I've 
found examples from much earlier in which it was a nonsense syllable 
in poetry, for example as "umpty-tumpty-tiddle-dee". The phrase "the 
class of umpty-five" appeared in an American magazine in July 1882 
and "three hundred and umpty-five Fifth Avenue" in Life magazine in 
October 1884. These suggest that we should be very cautious about 
uncritically accepting the Morse code origin, since the second part 
of "iddy-umpty" may have been based on one or other of these older 
usages. There might be a link with Humpty-Dumpty, sometimes written 
'Umpty-Dumpty at the time to represent uneducated speech. 

One reader mentioned the British children's TV series of the 1970s 
called The Flumps. My term isn't obviously linked with it. However, 
one episode featured an Umpty Flump (a knowing pun, I'm sure) who 
was umpty in a different sense, that of feeling unwell. This began 
as British Second World War slang; my wife and I still use "umpty" 
to mean having a mild malaise such as an upset stomach.

2. Hoyden
This year is the 200th anniversary of the publication of Pride and 
Prejudice by Jane Austen. Commenting on it, P D James wrote of Lydia 
Bennet that "Seen through the eyes of her sister, Elizabeth, she 
appears to be a vulgar, lusty hoyden."

Though it's still to be found, "hoyden" is a word that feels better 
suited to Austen's time than the modern world. These days, we do not 
regard boisterous or tomboyish girls as a disgrace to their sex, 
though if we are forced into close association we may wish for a 
quieter life. Jane Austen would have been much less kind, because 
for her "hoyden" had a stronger sense of being ill-bred and rude. 
She doesn't call the frivolous and headstrong Lydia a hoyden - she 
never uses the word in any of her writings - but she does say that 
Lydia has "high animal spirits", which closely matches the modern 

"Hoyden" is a curiosity because it once referred to men. We may now 
look indulgently on hoydenish young women but male hoydens were 
considered to be rude, ignorant, awkward or boorish. In 1593, Thomas 
Nashe (on record as its first user) wrote of the hoydens of Trinity 
Hall at the University of Cambridge. Its members were exclusively 
male at the time, as they continued to be until 1977, when the 
college admitted its first female undergraduates. Why "hoyden" 
should have shifted to describe women instead of men is unclear, 
though boorishness and awkwardness are hardly male preserves.

The other oddity is that "hoyden" is a close relative of "heathen". 
This is a much older term, whose roots lie in very early Germanic 
dialects and is related to "heath". Heathens were literally heath-
dwellers, inhabitants of open country, uncivilised and in particular 
unacquainted with Christianity. "Hoyden" is thought to have come 
into English from Dutch "heiden", the Dutch equivalent of "heathen" 
from the same ancient Germanic source.

3. Theranostics
"Theranostics" is widely known within the pharmaceutical field but 
is almost unknown outside it. A report in 2000 said that the drugs 
firm PharmaNetics had invented it as a blend of "therapeutics" and 

Its original sense was of a two-stage drugs package - a diagnostic 
test that identified patients who were most likely to be helped by a 
new medication, and a targeted drug therapy based on the test 
results. The aim was to create treatments, using genetic and other 
methods, which were tailored to individual patients, an area of 
research called personalised medicine.

With the development in the past decade of specialist techniques at 
the molecular level, "theranostics" has also come to refer to a 
medication that would simultaneously diagnose and treat a disease 
and even provide feedback about how effective it has been in each 
individual patient. This is still in its early stages - a researcher 
predicted in New Scientist in April that "theranostics will enter 
clinical trials within the decade."

Other terms within the research world for it are "tailored therapy", 
"companion diagnostics" and "translational medicine".

    Scientists had been excited about "theranostics," where 
    implanted devices would both diagnose and treat illnesses 
    in people automatically, giving insulin for diabetes, for 
    [New York Times, 30 Nov. 2012.]
    Theranostics is referred to as a treatment strategy 
    that combines therapeutics with diagnostics, aiming to 
    monitor the response to treatment and increase drug 
    efficacy and safety, which would be a key part of 
    personalized medicine and require considerable advances in 
    predictive medicine. 
    [Biotech Week, 26 Sep, 2012.]

4. Piggy Bank
Q. Many web pages claim that "piggy bank" derives from "pygg", said 
to be a kind of clay. They say that in the 18th century "pygg bank" 
became "pig bank" and later "piggy bank". The Merriam-Webster 
Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary, on the other hand, 
suggest that "piggy bank" comes from "piggy", and the earliest cites 
are 20th century. None of them give a really clear and definitive 
answer. So I figured I'd ask you. Any thoughts? [Jed Hartman]

A. There's a great deal of nonsense written about the origin of 
"piggy bank". As a typical example, this is from a book that came 
out just as I was looking into the matter:

    The name originated from the word "pygg", which 
    referred to an orange clay used to form all sorts of 
    pottery items, including jars to hold loose change, which 
    were named after the material itself. In the eighteenth 
    century a clever potter decided to make a pig-shaped "pygg 
    bank" as a novelty item and that soon became the piggy 
    bank of today.
    [No 1 Mum, by Alison Maloney, 2013.]

As you say, other websites and publications have stories very like 
this. Particularly marked are the repeated references to that orange 
clay. They all appear traceable back to one of those "Life in 1500" 
spoof e-mails that circulated so widely in the 1990s and which new 
online generations periodically rediscover. These seem in turn to 
have been based on Charles Panati's book of 1989, The Extraordinary 
Origins of Everyday Things, which has no reference for the story. In 
turn he may have got it from How Did It Begin? by Dr Rudolph Brasch, 
published in 1965, who likewise gives no source. Too many people who 
have encountered the story have taken it at face value.

The story is false in every particular. There is no record of a clay 
called "pygg", whether orange or any other colour. The term "pygg 
bank" is not on record and "piggy bank" is only a century old. 

Devices similar in function to modern piggy banks are ancient - the 
Greeks and Romans had them. The Victoria & Albert Museum in London 
has examples dating from the sixteenth century. Historically, they 
were called money boxes, though modern collectors and curators often 
prefer to identify them as the more generic "coin banks". Most were 
quickly thrown on a potter's wheel, sealed at the top and with a 
slot cut in the side to insert coins. As an encouragement to save, 
the only way to get the money out was to break them, a good reason 
not to make them of expensive materials. That's also why so few have 
survived. Many of the V&A's examples are beautifully made and look 
too good to smash; these were presumably intended as decorative 
presents rather than practical savings boxes (modern ones get around 
the problem by providing a stopper or plug that avoids having to 
smash the container). However, there seems to be no significant 
British tradition of making them in the shape of pigs.

The story may be based on a misunderstanding. In Scotland and the 
north of England, "pig" - occasionally "pygg", though that's just a 
variant or dialectal spelling of "pig" - was used from about 1450 as 
a general term for earthenware products, including pots, pitchers, 
jars and crockery. The references to the colour orange in the story 
presumably derive from a common colour of unglazed earthenware.

The experts are unsure where this sense of "pig" came from. It might 
have been from "piggin", a wooden pail (though that could sometimes 
mean an earthenware pitcher), or be related to "prig", a dialect 
term for a small pitcher; it might conceivably at some point in its 
history have been influenced by the animal sense of "pig", because a 
few items, such as ceramic hot-water bottles, are smoothly rounded 
like a pig's body and have indeed been called pigs.

Scots named their coin banks "pirly pigs", probably from the older 
Scots "pyrl", to thrust or poke, suggesting the action of inserting 
a coin. The "pig" refers not to their shape but to the class of 
earthenware items to which they belonged.

We see the modern name evolving in American publications at the very 
end of the nineteenth century. The first form was "pig bank":

    The latest novelty - The Pig Bank. You have to kill the 
    pig to get the money - 25c each.
    [The Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 10 Nov. 1900. Thanks 
    to Barry Popik for finding this.] 
May we presume from this that there was little or no earlier history 
of pig-shaped money boxes in the US? It seems so, from what little 
information on nineteenth-century ceramics I've been able to gather. 
Might the name have been suggested by the old Scots term? Probably 
not. More likely it came about through German immigrant influence, 
since money boxes in the shape of pigs are known much earlier from 
that country and from elsewhere in continental Europe. It's claimed 
that the shape was suggested through an old idea that the pig was a 
symbol of fertility and frugality. (Ancient Javanese ones exist, 
too, but knowledge of these is less likely to have travelled to the 

Within a decade or so, the term had matured into the modern form:

    She could see everything quite plainly now; her little 
    room with the pink roses climbing up the wall, her box of 
    toys, - "Teddy was up-side-down, poor Teddy," - her desk 
    with the piggy bank on top of it.
    [Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, Feb. 1913.]

These days piggy banks come in a bewildering range of shapes and 
styles and a direct connection with pigs is much less clear.

5. Sic!
Rob Crompton told us that a link on the National Secular Society's 
site on 27 April read: "Don't expect change under Pope Frances." 
That would be change enough by itself.

Rhéal Nadeau commented that journalists really ought to watch their 
metaphors when reporting on hospitals. This followed a headline on 
the Canadian Metronews site on 26 April: "Ottawa hospital nursing 
layoffs open old wounds, dispute over whether cuts are new."

Where else? The Daily Mail site, Roy Lomas discovered, captioned a 
photo on 25 April: "Sun shades: Robert Downey Jr. and Susan Downey 
wore dark glasses on their eyes."

6. Useful information
ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER: World Wide Words is written and published by 
Michael Quinion in the UK. ISSN 1470-1448. Copyediting and advice 
are provided by Julane Marx in the US and by Robert Waterhouse in 
Europe. Any residual errors are the fault of the author. The linked 
website is

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try to respond, but pressures of time often prevent me from doing 
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