World Wide Words -- 12 Oct 13

Michael Quinion wordseditor at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Fri Oct 11 15:17:11 UTC 2013

WORLD WIDE WORDS          ISSUE 853         Saturday 12 October 2013
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1. Feedback, Notes and Comments.
2. Preantepenultimate.
3. Snippets.
4. Softly, softly, catchee monkey.
5. Sic!
6. Subscriptions and other information.

1. Feedback, Notes and Comments
DWARVES  Several readers responded to my mildly facetious comment, 
"if 'dwarves' was good enough for J R R Tolkien". Jason Brown noted 
a letter from Tolkien to his publisher, Stanley Unwin, in 1937, 
following the publication of The Hobbit:

    Although all [reviewers] have carefully used the 
    correct "dwarfs" themselves, [none] has commented on the 
    fact ... that I use throughout the "incorrect" plural 
    "dwarves". I am afraid it is just a piece of private bad 
    grammar, rather shocking in a philologist; but I shall 
    have to go on with it. Perhaps my "dwarf" - since he and 
    the Gnome are only translations into approximate 
    equivalents of creatures with different names and rather 
    different functions in their own world - may be allowed a 
    peculiar plural. The real "historical" plural of "dwarf" 
    (like "teeth" of "tooth") is "dwarrows", anyway: rather a 
    nice word, but a bit too archaic. Still I rather wish I 
    had used the word "dwarrow".

Notwithstanding Tolkien's comments, "dwarves" has a significant 
history as an English plural. The Oxford English Dictionary's first 
example is dated 1818 and many others appear in British newspapers 
and books in the nineteenth century, no doubt creating them on the 
model of words such as "scarf" and "wharf", which can have their 
plurals in "-ves". But Tolkien certainly widened its popularity and 
rendered it acceptable, to the extent that it is common today.

VAPER  Amy Livingston emailed, "The introduction of 'vapers' for 
smokers of electronic cigarettes brought to mind 'viper', used in 
Harlem during the 1920s to refer to a marijuana smoker. It's fallen 
out of general use now, but it survives in the song "You'se A Viper" 
by Stuff Smith, most famously recorded as "If You're A Viper" by 
Fats Waller. The alliance among vapers fighting a proposed ban on e-
cigarettes seems to reflect the spirit in which Waller recorded the 
song as a nose-thumb to the drug czar of his day. Maybe it's time 
for a new anthem:

    Dreamed about a cig without the smoke
      Hit of juice won't make you choke
    No-smoking sign, but you're still fine
      If you'se a vaper."

OLD-FASHIONED  Josie Frei wrote, "I remember mother (in the north-
east of England) using this expression but entirely in the meaning 
which Angela Carter describes: 'ironic, sly, a smidgen of disdain in 
it.' I could never understand what was so old-fashioned about it."

2. Preantepenultimate
This train of prefixes surely needs uncoupling. Something that is 
ultimate is the last in a series (from Latin "ultimare", come to an 
end); the penultimate is next to last ("pen-", a prefix formed from 
Latin "paene", almost); the antepenultimate is the one before that 
("ante-", previous, from Latin "ante"). Preantepenultimate (Latin 
"prae-", before) is one step further back still, making it the 
fourth from the end of the series, the last but three.

It was invented in all seriousness by a famous lexicographer, John 
Walker, in his Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the 
English Language, dated 1791 ("These words have the antepenultimate 
and preantepenultimate accent, which has generally a shortening 
power, as in privilege, primitive, prevalency, &c.") Linguists have 
continued to be almost its sole users, though other specialists, for 
some reason mainly zoologists, have borrowed it from time to time. 
Outside these areas, it is almost invisible, but not quite:

    While it was gratifying to see the return of the John 
    H. Rice column to the pages of the Eagle, it was 
    disappointing to have a typographical error mangle the 
    sense of his pre-antepenultimate paragraph.
    [Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, Massachusetts), 24 Feb. 

Does the sequence stop with preantepenultimate? There must be so 
little need for a word meaning fifth from last that we can hardly 
imagine anybody has taken the trouble to invent it. But it does 
exist: suprapreantepenultimate (Latin "supra", above, beyond). The 
only place I've so far found it, however, is in a humorous column in 
the web-based journal The Beechwood Reporter of Chicago dated 
January this year, in which the writer asked if there's a word for 
the item that comes before it in the sequence. That's taking matters 
much too far. Even "suprapreantepenultimate" is too monstrous a 
term: it's far easier just to say "fifth from last".

3. Snippets
SUPER? OR NOT?  While we're on the subject of prefixes, "super-" was 
in the news in London this week following publication of a study by 
the Cripplegate Foundation (named after an ancient gate of the City 
of London; its name may be from Anglo-Saxon "crepel", a covered way 
or underground passage). Many parts of the capital have been changed 
by gentrification, improvements that made them attractive to middle-
class professionals such as doctors, lecturers and civil servants 
but have pushed out poorer residents. Some areas, such as Islington, 
the report asserts, are now suffering "supergentrification", which 
isn't just more of the same, but a shift towards colonisation by the 
super-rich, who are often very mobile and have scant interest in the 
local community. "Supergentrification" was applied first in 2000 by 
the British geographer Professor Loretta Lees to a similar shift in 
the Brooklyn Heights area of New York City.

TURKEY TOV!  A curious calendrical coincidence means that this year 
Thanksgiving on 28 November coincides with the second candle night 
of Hanukkah (or Chanukkah if you prefer), which one of my Oxford 
dictionaries describes rather loftily as "a lesser Jewish festival". 
It's the first time since 1888 that this has happened, which has led 
to much mildly facetious cross-cultural commentary. An Associated 
Press article on Wednesday noted that one linguistically inventive 
commercial enterprise has trademarked the term Thanksgivukkah for 
it, which Julane Marx tells me has been used casually amongst Jewish 
friends and family for a few weeks. A nine-year-old from Manhattan 
has invented, trademarked and marketed the Menurkey, a menorah in 
the shape of a turkey. If you really want to give somebody a once-
in-a-lifetime gift, this surely must be it - competing calculations 
suggest that the next coincidental holiday will be either in about 
77,000 years from now or never. Though the young man's opportunity 
for getting rich is regrettably short-lived, it does mean - let us 
give thanks - that we shall never encounter "Thanksgivukkah" again.

OUT OF THE BLENDER  Talking of combining things, you may have heard 
of the cronut, this summer's artery-hardening comestible, a cross 
between a croissant and a doughnut, which was invented by the 
French-born New York chef Dominique Ansel. A second such blend was 
created a couple of years ago in her London tearooms by an American, 
Bea Vo. This is a doughnut-muffin hybrid called the duffin, which 
was in the news this week because the name has allegedly been 
trademarked by Starbucks without consulting Ms Vo. The Guardian 
covered this story and went on to celebrate other cross-bred 
delicacies that it rather neatly called "portmanteau patisseries". 
The story mentioned the fauxnut, a fake doughnut which is low-fat 
and baked rather than fried, and the crookie, a commingling of 
croissant and cookie. I suspect most of these will survive about as 
long as the Menurkey.

4. Softly, softly, catchee monkey
Q. According to an online search, Lord Baden-Powell imported the 
saying "softly, softly, catchee monkey" from the Ashanti in Ghana. 
The saying has a Kiplingesque ring. Can you shed any further light? 
[John Lewis]

A. Quite a bit, as it happens. The expression is indeed frequently 
attributed to Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts, largely 
because he uses it three times in his diary about his activities in 
what is now Ghana in 1895-6:

    If it were not for the depressing heat and the urgency 
    of the work, one could sit down and laugh to tears at the 
    absurdity of the thing, but under the circumstances it is 
    a little "wearing." But our motto is the old West Coast 
    proverb, "Softly, softly, catchee monkey"; in other words, 
    "Don't flurry; patience gains the day."
    [The Downfall of Prempeh, by Major R S S Baden-Powell, 
    1896. Prempeh was then King of Ashanti.]

Though the book never achieved wide popularity, it's curious that 
this instance doesn't appear in the entry for the idiom in the 
Oxford English Dictionary; its first citation is of a listing in 
Cassell's Book of Quotations in 1907, which is also the first in the 
Oxford Book of Proverbs. Even more oddly, it's easy to take it back 
many years. 

It appears in a book of 1832, Scottish Proverbs, Collected and 
Arranged by Andrew Henderson, in the form "safly, safly, catch 
monkey". Henderson quotes it as an example of proverb creation in 
"rude and infant communities" and says it is "common among the 
negroes in the colony of Demerara". Even earlier, the idiom is in 
the rambling autobiography of a well-known English actress, Mary 
Wells (later Mrs Mary Sumbel), active in the late eighteenth century 
and the early nineteenth. She records that she went one day, it 
would seem from context in London, to hear an itinerant black 

    Though there was no long-sounding chapter or high-
    numbered verse from which it was taken, I was convinced 
    notwithstanding, by the arguments of the sooty Ethiopian, 
    that patience and perseverance will overcome many 
    obstacles. The words were as follow:- "Softly, softly, 
    brethren, and you'll catch a monkey!"
    [Memoirs of the Life of Mrs Sumbel, Vol. 3, 1811. Her 
    "Ethiopian" isn't to be taken literally; it was then a 
    common term for any black person.]

This is another example:

    "Prudens qui patiens" was, if we mistake not, the motto 
    of the great Lord Coke. A sort of paraphrase of it is 
    current among the sable objects of Exeter Hall sympathy - 
    "Softly, softly, catch monkey."
    [The Morning Post, 23 Apr. 1846. At the time, Exeter 
    Hall in the Strand was the headquarters of the anti-
    slavery movement in London, so "sable object" is an 
    oblique reference to black Africans.]

These examples give the lie to another suggestion made online, and 
in an 1989 book with the title Scottish Proverbs, that it's a 
traditional saying of Scotland. This assertion seems to be due to 
searchers finding Andrew Henderson's book but failing to read his 
introductory comments.

The rest of the few nineteenth-century examples that I've found 
likewise imply or state that it originated in a native West African 
expression that was brought back in translation to Britain (we may 
reasonably conclude that its appearance in Demerara, in present-day 
Guyana, was the result of West African slaves being taken to South 
America to work the sugar plantations). However, the evidence shows 
that it wasn't widely known in the nineteenth century but that it 
suddenly starts to appear quite frequently in British newspapers 
from January 1900 in reports of the Boer War.

What is intriguing about these reports is that they all use the 
"catchee" form instead of "catch" (which has led a few writers into 
falsely attributing a Chinese origin to the proverb). This form 
isn't on record before Baden-Powell's book of 1896. He was garrison 
commander during the siege of Mafeking, which was lifted on 16 May 
1900. During the siege reporters from four London newspapers were in 
the town, and it's hardly a stretch of the evidence to argue that 
they obtained that version directly from him. So he certainly wasn't 
the inventor, but he popularised the version we now know.

As an aside, the phrase was much later adopted as the motto of the 
Lancashire Constabulary's Training School. It was advice to aspiring 
police officers that a bull-headed approach wasn't the best way to 
nab criminals. This inspired the title of the British television 
police series, Softly Softly, from 1966 onwards.

5. Sic!
"In this part of Canada, we like to keep our wildlife happy," John 
Holland emailed from the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. He was 
writing in reference to a headline over a story dated 4 October on 
the website "Man attacked by bear in good spirits".

Peter Geldart emailed from Hong Kong, having seen an article in the 
Financial Times of 4 October ("Help to get a good night's sleep" by 
Emma Jacobs): "Louise Moxon set up Cocoon, an agency in London that 
provides parents desperate for their infants to sleep through the 
night with consultants."

Dennis Kiernan sent this from a report on Fox News dated 4 October: 
"Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security 
Committee, told Fox News that investigators believed [Miriam] Carey 
suffered 'serious' mental issues and that President Obama was trying 
to communicate with her through radio waves."

"Impressive!" Gila Blits commented, having seen a headline on the 
Mail website on 6 October: "Wife praises surgeon husband who treated 
children in Afghanistan after he collapsed and died during D-Day 

Harold Pinkley emailed, "In The New York Times of 7 October, the 
chaplain of the United States Senate was described as 'a Seventh-day 
Adventist, former Navy rear admiral and collector of brightly 
colored bow ties named Barry C. Black.' I never thought to name my 
own ties."

6. Useful information
ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER: World Wide Words is written and published by 
Michael Quinion in the UK. ISSN 1470-1448. Copyediting and advice 
are provided by Julane Marx in the US and by Robert Waterhouse in 
Europe. Any residual errors are the fault of the author. The linked 
website is

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