
Bob Haas rahaas at UNCG.EDU
Tue Apr 27 15:45:49 UTC 1999

In a similar vein, has anyone else noticed the recent proliferation of the
pronunciation of "niche" to rhyme with "sheesh," as opposed to "rich."  I'm
probably being too cranky, but after I heard the president use this
pronunciation, I checked the American Heritage which prefers rich before
sheesh.  Am I too sensitive?

Peter Richardson wrote:

> > American innovation.  Was it French influence (or French by way of British)
> > that fostered the snobbish distinction in the U.S.?
> I suspect so, yes--but I hope I'm not falling into the Twainian pit of
> blaming so much on the French.
> Speaking of affectations, has this list ever discussed the insistence of
> theater programs in this country on spelling theater as if it were
> theatre? I once sent a memo to a friend in our theater department with the
> last two letters of each word reversed; he was amused, but I doubt all
> would be.
> Peter Richardson


Bob Haas
Department of English
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

                    "No matter where you go, there you are."

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