[Ads-l] Modern Proverb: A good loser is no good (Robert Zuppke Nov 6, 1924) (UNCLASSIFIED)

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jun 28 19:42:42 UTC 2019

Thanks Bill. I updated the article to include the citation you found
and added an acknowledgement:

[Begin acknowledgement]
Special thanks to Bill Mullins who located the May 8, 1911 citation.
[End acknowledgement]

Changes on the website sometimes take a few hours to propagate.

I also added a 1911 citation expressing a distinct viewpoint:

[Begin excerpt]
There is a natural tension between being a "good loser" and a "hard
loser". Yet, the writer Robert Haven Schauffler believed that the two
types of losers could be combined as indicated in his article titled
"What Is Sportsmanship?" in "The Outlook" in November 1911:

[Begin nested quotation]
Though the sportsman is a good loser, however, he is a precious hard
loser. He battles till the last trench. He never says die.
[End nested quotation]
[End excerpt]


On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 2:09 PM MULLINS, WILLIAM D (Bill) CIV USARMY
CCDC AVMC (USA) <0000099bab68be9a-dmarc-request at listserv.uga.edu>
> _Cincinnati Post_ 8 May 1911 p 6 col 3
> ""[Cincinnati Reds manager Clark] Griffith is a prince among managers," said Harry Gaspar while playing hearts after breakfast this morning.  "I have never worked for a better manager, and never want to.  He is a hard loser, and that is one reason I admire him.  Show me a good loser and I will show you a darn fool." "
> There are interviews with Griffith in the 4/21/1907 Washington DC Evening Star and the 1/30/1909 Denver Post where he talks about being a hard loser, and that being a good loser is not necessarily a good thing, but they don't have the thought expressed pithily.  So I suspect that Gaspar is indirectly quoting Griffith above.
> >
> > ----
> >
> > Back in February 2015 I sent a message to this mailing list about the quotation
> > in the subject line. Now the Quote Investigator® website has an entry on the
> > topic:
> >
> > https://quoteinvestigator.com/2019/06/27/good-loser/
> >
> > [Begin acknowledgement]
> > Thanks to researchers Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R.
> > Shapiro who wrote about this family of sayings in “The Dictionary of Modern
> > Proverbs” from Yale University Press. Thanks also to researcher Barry Popik
> > who explored this topic on his website. Additional thanks to discussants
> > Jonathan Lighter and Dan Goncharoff.
> > [End acknowledgement]
> >
> > Garson
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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