Arabic-L:PEDA:NYU Summer Teaching Job

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Sat Jun 1 14:30:24 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Sat 01 Jun 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:NYU Summer Teaching Job

Date:  01 Jun 2002
From:Milena Savova <ms93 at>
Subject:NYU Summer Teaching Job

Dear Colleagues,

I am new to this listserve and I would like to introduce myself.  I
direct the Center for Foreign Languages and Translation at New York
University's  School of Continuing and Professional Studies.  We teach
25 languages including standard and colloquial Arabic, Persian and
Turkish.  I regret to say that I don't speak Arabic or Persian but I
like to know about new textbooks, dictionaries, grammar books, etc.
And, above all, I am interested in finding good instructors.

We have a successful and good-sized Arabic language program.  Right
now,  I am looking for someone in the New York City area who can teach
an intensive 3-week daytime course in standard Arabic from June 24 to
July 12.  We have a sophisticated  student body consisting of
successful NY professionals.

Interested colleagues can  contact me at milena.savova at

Looking forward to hearing from you and to learning from you discussions.

Thank you.
Milena Savova

End of Arabic-L:  01 Jun 2002

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