reading schedule

Linnea Micciulla lmicciulla at COMCAST.NET
Tue Apr 12 13:58:16 UTC 2005

Hi Maria,

Thanks for introducing yourself - you are very welcome to join our discussion (actually, you don't even need to ask!).  We set up the list with the idea of having a forum for discussion where everyone who was interested would be welcome to express their perspectives on CDA.  As long as we are all respectful of each other's views, this can remain an unmoderated list and anyone who is interested can just go ahead and join.  So far, it's been quite amazing to see how many people from different places have found this list.

Do you have any particular areas of interest within CDA?  Several people are interested in the discourse of journalism, and others have mentioned that they are looking at advertising, tourism, doctor-patient interaction, and various forms of computer-mediated discourse.


> Hi!
> I am a linguist and German-language teacher (German lecturer in Slovakia),
> at present I am looking for an interesting topic for my PhD in the field of
> discourse analysis, therefore I would like to join your discussion group -
> could I?...
> have a nice day,
> greetings from Banska Bystrica!
> Maria Becker
> --
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