Announcement International Celtic Studies Postgraduate Seminar, 2012

Júda Ronén foo at DIGITALWORDS.NET
Sun May 29 09:12:12 UTC 2011

Thanks, but that's the 1620 revision by Richard Parry and John Davies o Fallwyd, actually. The two versions are quite different; take Ioan 3:16 for example (my emphases):
	1588: Canys felly y cârodd Duw y bŷd, fel y rhoddodd efe ei uni-genedic fab, fel na choller *nêb a'r y fydd yn crêdu* ynddo ef, *eithꝛ* caffael o honaw ef fywyd tragywyddol.
	1620: Canys felly y carodd Duw y byd fel y rhoddodd efe ei unig-anedig Fab, fel na choller *pwy bynnag a gredo* ynddo ef, *ond* caffael ohono fywyd tragwyddol.

I prefer the 1588 Bible, as it is is more self-consistent, unedited (the editing is not systematic: the same lexeme or construction may or may not be changed into another in what seems to be a random manner) and hadn't been changed in order to be consistent with KJV (1611). For my purpose, that is linguistic analysis, the 1588 Bible is much more suitable.

Júda Ronén

Ar 2011·05·29 am 07:41 (+0200), ysgrifennodd Antony Green <toniogreen at WEB.DE>:
> The 1588 Bible is available in digital form at Welsh Wikisource,
> There's no specific search function for it, though, other than the
> normal search function of your browser, or by googling with
> "".
> Antony Green
> On 29.05.2011 00:59, Júda Ronén wrote:
> >The Gwneuthur Periphrasis?
> >It is not Middle Welsh, but you might be interested to know this structure occurs in the 1588 Bible translation<>, which is IMHO a wonderful text to work on (a magnificent work, really). How different it is from its use in the Mabinogi? What in the original Hebrew/Greek text triggers its use? Well, research has to be done… As far as I know, no searchable edition of the 1588 Bible is available, only scanned facsimile (or am I wrong?).
> >
> >Best,
> >Júda
> >
> >
> >Ar 2011·05·29 am 00:00 (+0300), ysgrifennodd Mieke Daniels-Waterman<mdaniels at MSCC.HUJI.AC.IL>:
> >>Dear Patrick Zechner,
> >>Thank you so much for this official announcement. I would like to attend
> >>this seminar and may be even present a paper. The subject will be on a syntactic issue
> >>in Middle Welsh. Success and regards,
> >>
> >>Mieke Daniels-Waterman
> >>
> >>Department of Linguistics-Balshanut
> >>Dutch Language Program
> >>Typology of West-Germanic Languages:Dutch-(West-)Frisian-Afrikaans
> >>Middle Welsh
> >>
> >>Hebrew University,Mount Scopus,webmail (
> >>
> >>
> >>---------- Original Message -----------
> >>From: Patrick Zecher<patzibaericon at GMX.DE>
> >>Sent: Fri, 27 May 2011 12:53:51 +0200
> >>Subject: Announcement International Celtic Studies Postgraduate Seminar, 2012
> >>
> >>>Dear colleagues and friends,
> >>>
> >>>please find attached[1] to this e-mail the official announcement for the
> >>>"International Celtic Studies Postgraduate Seminar" held at Philipps-
> >>>University Marburg, Germany, August 17th-19th 2012. We would be grateful, if
> >>>you advertised the announcement within your department or school. Please feel
> >>>free to forward it to anybody who might be interested.
> >>>
> >>>With regards,
> >>>Parick Zecher
> >>>
> >>>[1] http://www.uni-
> >>
> >>>-- 
> >>>Patrick J. Zecher, M.A.
> >>>FG Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft / Keltologie
> >>>Philipps-Universität Marburg
> >>>Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 6 E
> >>>35032 Marburg
> >>>Germany
> >>>Tel.: +49 (0)6421-2824706
> >>>-- 
> >>>NEU: FreePhone - kostenlos mobil telefonieren!			
> >>>Jetzt informieren:
> >>------- End of Original Message -------
> -- 
> Dr. Antony Green
> Rudolf-Seiffert-Str. 31, WE 1703
> 10369 Berlin, Germany
> Phone: +49 (0)30 34 50 98 97
> Mobile: +49 (0)163 370 08 27
> E-mail: toniogreen at

   : Júda Ronén · :
  No one is free until everyone is free.
Seichgara liberanda est · (en.)

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