Questions about Spanish MOR

Cote, Linda (NIH/NICHD) cotel at
Mon Sep 13 16:19:24 UTC 2004

Dear Colleagues,

I have a bilingual assistant who is currently disambiguating transcripts of
Spanish MOR.

For the Spanish, what is the structure of the morphemization of adjectives
and nouns on the %MOR lines supposed to look like?  I have seen the program
create the following:


*MOM:  azules ?

%mor:   adj|azul=blue-PL ?

*MOM:  verdes ?

%mor:   adj|verde=green-PL&MASC ?


*MOM:  (un) besito .

%mor:   n|beso=kiss-DIM-MASC .

*MOM:  (la) muneca .

%mor:   n|muneca=doll&FEM .

Should PL, MASC/FEM, and DIM be separately by hyphens or ampersands?  And
which should come first?  And is the structure the same for adjectives and
nouns or different?

Thank you,


Linda R. Cote, Ph.D.

Research Scientist and Statistical Contractor

Child & Family Research

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Suite 8030

6705 Rockledge Drive

Bethesda, MD  20892-7971

Telephone:  (301) 496-6832

Fax:  (301) 496-2766

E-mail:   <mailto:cotel at> cotel at

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