CLAN questions - new user

Brenda Beverly bbeverly at
Thu Mar 25 18:33:55 UTC 2021

Thank you so much for this timely and detailed response to my questions. I 
am excited to use these suggestions to move forward in a way that will 
support our research. I cannot thank you enough. 
all the best, 

On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 12:31:52 PM UTC-5 Leonid Spektor wrote:

> Hi Brenda,
> I can give you my suggestions, but these are definitely not the only 
> choices that you have. Maybe someone else would have better ideas.
> 1., 2. The post-codes are best way to identify specific utterances from a 
> larger group of utterances. So, for example, if you have *MOT-ET: speaker 
> code for extra-textual talk and *MOR-RE: speaker code for mother reading, 
> then you would have @Participants: MOT Mother header tier to identify one 
> Mother speaker. This way you have only one speaker with different tiers 
> based on what those tiers represent. This way you can use FREQ command to 
> locate just that speaker with the command freq +t*MOT if you want 
> separate results, or freq +t*MOT-RE for just mother reading, or command freq 
> +t*MOT +o3 if you want combined result for all mother's utterances.
> The post-codes are the best way to tag utterances, because they will allow 
> you to find other dependent tiers along with speaker tiers. For example, if 
> you have utterances:
> *MOT-ET: extra textual talk [+ CR] .
> %mor: adj|extra adj|textual n|talk .
> %gra: 1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT
> and you want to run analyzes on %mor: tier with post-code [+ CR], then you 
> would use command freq +s"[+ CR]" +t%mor or if you want only mother's 
> extra-textual talk utterances with post-code [+ CR], then use command 
> freq +t*MOT-ET +s"[+ CR]" +t%mor.
> If you use dependent tiers for coding, then it would be more difficult to 
> associate those codes with other tiers of that speaker. It can be done, but 
> it would require two commands 1. KWAL to extract only utterances with that 
> code on dependent tier and next FREQ command to run analyses on those 
> extracted tiers.
> If you only want to count codes on specific dependent tiers, then using 
> dependent tiers like %xett : $AK will work. Notice, the dependent tier 
> would have to start with 'x' or it will not pass CHECK command.
> 3. The command that you have freq @ +t*MOT +s"<+ AK>" is best to count 
> number of occurrences of actual codes. If you want to run analyzes on the 
> words used by the speaker, then you would use command freq @ +t*MOT +s"[+ 
> AK]". This can be combined with other dependent tiers associated with 
> that speaker tier. For example, command freq +s"[+ AK]" +t%mor will 
> analyze words on %mor tier.
> 4. If you mean to run FREQ on multiple files to get separate results for 
> each file, the you could use *.cha or "File In" button in Commands 
> window. If you want to get combined results for multiple files, then add 
> +u option to the command line.
> Leonid. 
> On Mar 25, 2021, at 11:25, Brenda Beverly <bbev... at> 
> wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern:
> I am a new user of CHAT/CLAN (long time SALT user). My colleague in China 
> and I are using CHAT/CLAN for transcription and analysis of mothers' 
> engagement behaviors when book sharing with 4 year olds. We may be able to 
> donate the videos and/or transcripts to CHILDES in the future, but in the 
> short term, we are trying to maximize the CHAT/CLAN capabilities. 
> I have a few questions: 
> 1. Are post codes the best CHAT method for our study purposes? After 
> working to learn CHAT , it seems that our study-specific coding of 
> engagement strategies is best accomplished through post codes. So, we have 
> an utterance and then a post code - for example,  [+ CR] which is our 
> abbreviation for Choral Reading, an engagement strategy of the mothers that 
> we are tracking. 
> 2. How could we get separate tiers for when the mothers are reading the 
> text from the children's book versus when the mothers are talking/speaking, 
> not reading? We have ruled out @g. It seems @g is better for 2 different 
> book sharing activities, not these separate types of talk with one book 
> sharing/storybook. We are considering labeling the Participant tier to 
> separate this - @MOT for Mother reading, but maybe @MET for Mother's 
> extra-textual talk. This will likely give us the output we need but it's 
> not truly 2 different participants. In that regard, it feels like we might 
> be missing out on a tier option that would be a better representation of 
> the transcripts. Should we have set this up with a dependent tier using 
> %ETT (extra-textual talk) perhaps? Could we keep the post codes and add 
> this following the MOT utterances that are extra textual? Or do we need to 
> use the codes together, for example:
> %ETT : AK (AK = our code for an acknowledgment)
> 3. Is the freq command the best CLAN program for our purposes? We have 
> successfully run freq to obtain the counts for the post-codes and exported 
> that to excel. 
> The program my colleague ran was:
> freq @ +[*MOT = s"<+ AK>" 
> She ran separate analyses for each of the engagement behaviors - AK for 
> acknowledgement as well as CR Choral Reading etc. 
> This is working. I was simply curious if this was the best/right option, 
> especially given my other questions about the use of post codes and tiers. 
> 4. Lastly, I believe we could run a command that would include all 10 
> participant transcripts, but I haven't studied or determined how to set 
> that up. Are you able to assist? 
> My apologies for these basic questions. We are excited to access CHAT/CLAN 
> for this project and future work. Your support is greatly appreciated!
> Brenda Beverly
> bbev... at
> 251.635.3999 <(251)%20635-3999> mobile #
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